Total marks 8 Exercise 2 (Extended tier) Assessment R1, R4 objectives Task Reading exercise. Candidates read a text and answer a series of questions testing more detailed comprehension. Text type Either a report or a newspaper/magazine article, which orporates a graphical element. Total marks ...
theactivities.Itisassumedthattheteacherwillstructureopenandclosedquestionstocheckvocabularyandcomprehension,correcterrors,monitorthe acquisitionofskillsandcarryoutpreparatoryexercisesoftheirownifstudentslackexperienceorskillsfortheactivity.Theteacherisencouragedtoextendthe unitwithfurtherideasandmaterialstosuittheirparticularsitu...
The first thing to remember is that this exercise is not only a test of reading and comprehension, but also a test of writing. This means that you must be completely accurate in spelling. Handwriting is important too, because you often have to write names, addresses, or other Proper Nouns...
Reading 4.2Paper2:Writing 5.Curriculumcontent...10 6.Gradedescriptions...11 7.Markschemes...12 7.1Paper1 7.2Paper2
International General of Secondary MARK SCHEME for the MayJune 2014 05470547FOREIGNPaper2,ReadingandDirectedWriting um
国际班英语教材Cambridge IGCSE English First Language 3ed.pdf,ENDORSED BY GE . ~CAMBRID ~ · !Examinations tl !i lntcrnattona Cambridge® • IGCSE English as a first language Third Edition John Reynolds i 7HODDER EDUCATION Cambridge IGCSE English as a