1 v14Y11CambridgeIGCSEPhysics–pastpaperquestionsandanswers CambridgeIGCSE ® Physics(0625) Pastpaperquestionsandanswers Contents Light...2 Light–answers...
Inrecentyears,therehavebeenanumberofquestionsaboutcathoderays,anditwouldbehoped thatthiswouldhaveencouragedgoodanswerstothistopic.Thereissomeevidencethatthis mightbethecaseinpart(a),asmanycandidatesscoredgoodmarks,althoughformanyothers, thereseemedtobealotofguessing.Parts(b)and(c),though,wereverypoorlyanswered...
North facing REJECT description of poles as positive / South negative idea of ma s being the correct distance apart ACCEPT “close together”, “not touching” ACCEPT idea that field is produced in the space between the N pole of one ma and the S pole of the other REJECT answers that ...
When waves reflect off a barrier, the angle of reflection, r, is always equal to the angle of incidence, i When waves are reflected: angle of incidence = angle of reflection i = r
Write your answers in the spaces provided in this question paper. Some questions must be answered with a cross in a box ( ). If you change your mind about an 12 answer, put a l hrough the box ( ) and then mark your new answer with a cross ( ). 13 Show all the steps in any...
31) Uint2 Electricity-9 electric charge- physics only-9.3. 32) Uint2 Electricity-9 electric charge- physics only-9.4. 33) Uint3 Waves-10 properties of waves-10.1. 34) Uint3 Waves-10 properties of waves-10.2. 35) Uint3 Waves-10 properties of waves-10.3. 36) Uint3 Waves-11 the electr...
✅ Properties of waves, including light and sound ✅ Electricity and magnetism ✅ Atomic physics IG物理难点 IGCSE物理多以基础知识为主,考核的内容并不深,也都不难理解。虽然说IGCSE物理相对难度不大,但知识量还比较多。 与原本学习模式不同
There are forty questions on this paper. Answer all questions. For each question there are four possible answers A , B , C and D .Choose the one you consider correct and record your choice in soft pencil on the separate Answer Sheet.Read the instructions on the Answer Sheet very ...
P38759A ©2011EdexcelLimited. 1/1/1/1/ *P38759A0132* Instructions • Useblackinkorball-pointpen. • Fillintheboxesatthetopofthispagewithyourname, centrenumberandcandidatenumber. • Answerallquestions. • Answerthequestionsinthespacesprovided –theremaybemorespacethanyouneed. • Showallthe...
8Writeyourname,CentrenumberandcandidatenumberontheAnswerSheetinthespacesprovided *unlessthishasbeendoneforyou. DONOTWRITEINANYBARCODES. Therearefortyquestionsonthispaper.Answerallquestions.Foreachquestiontherearefourpossible answersA,B,CandD. Choosetheoneyouconsidercorrectandrecordyourchoiceinsoftpencilontheseparat...