Space Physics的题目是否让你感到困惑?别担心,这里有你需要的specimen paper!💡刷题小贴士: 选择题是物理考试中占比重的一部分,通过题海战术可以在短时间内迅速提升分数。有策略地刷题是提高成绩的关键! 高频考察知识点:电磁光谱的顺序和作用、通信技术(新考纲新增内容)、八大行星的顺序和分类,这些都是你必须掌握...
内容提示: Cambridge International ExaminationsCambridge International General Certif i cate of Secondary EducationPHYSICS 0625/06Paper 6 Alternative to Practical For Examination from 2016SPECIMEN MARK SCHEME 1 hour MAXIMUM MARK: 40This document consists of 5 printed pages and 1 blank page.© UCLES ...
IGCSE physics 0625/04 2023 specimen paper 刷题讲解 bili_Ritaaaa· 2023-4-26 77473336:14 IGCSE Biology 01 :Characteristics of Living Things 生命特征 学霸山丘· 2020-10-28 17000:06 2024年IGCSE真题答案-考前IGCSE考试资料 请私我密达呼· 4-8 3000:24 2024年IGCSE-Alevel计算机科学考试试题与答案资料...
Cambridge International ExaminationsCambridge International General Certif i cate of Secondary EducationPHYSICS 0625/05Paper 5 Practical Test For Examination from 2016SPECIMEN CONFIDENTIAL INSTRUCTIONSGreat care should be taken to ensure that any conf i dential information given does not reach the candidates...