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书名:Cambridge IGCSE Maths Revision Guide剑桥IGCSE数学考试复习指南 作者:HarperCollins UK 出版社名称:HarperCollins UK 出版时间:2018 语种:英文 ISBN:9780008210342 商品尺寸:21 x 0.9 x 29.7 cm 包装:平装 页数:128(以实物为准) Cambridge IGCSE Maths Revision Guide《剑桥IGCSE数学考试复习指南》是为想要去英语...
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Cambridge IGCSE Maths exam Past Papers. CIE IGCSE Past Papers (0626 9-1 UK Only) and CIE IGCSE International Past Papers (0580) are provided below. You can download the papers and marking schemes by clicking on the relevant links.
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Set homework questions where theanswers cannot be found on the internet. Makeend-of-topic tests; you can vary the questions from year to year simply by changing the 'sheet number'. Printcustomised revision sheetswith any desired combination of topics. ...