IGCSE Grade 9 Syllabus Home»Academic Tutoring»IGCSE Tutoring»IGCSE Grade 9 Syllabus TheIGCSE Grade 9 syllabusis divided into six categories: English Language and Literature, Languages, Humanity and Social Sciences, Mathematics, Sciences, and Creative and Professional. Candidates can choose a ...
Updated up toNovember 2024 seriespast exam papers. YAY! 2027 Specimen papersare now available. “Specimen Papers” would be available when there is a change of syllabus for that year. Otherwise, “Specimen Papers” would not be available when the syllabus stays the same. DO NOT download the ...
在GCSE的时候因为没有上Double English( English Language and Literature )我便选了三个人文学科。整体...
Cambridge IGCSE Literature (Spanish) Syllabus code 0488 For examination in June and November 20118.1 Resources 8.2 FormsIndividual candidate record cardCoursework assessment summary formwww.XtremePapers.net
v11Y11CambridgeIGCSELiterature(English)(0486)1 AOLearningobjectivesSuggestedteachingactivitiesLearningresources 1–4Thelearningobjectivesbelowshould1.Introduction bereadinconjunctionwithrelevant learningobjectivesintheProseandTeachersshouldchecktherubricinthecurrentsyllabusandreviewaRecentpastpapersmarkschemes Poetryunits.ra...