Chapter 1 – review / impact of emerging technologies Describe how emerging technologies are having an impact on everyday life Describe some of the technologies?
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before coming to the class. As a result, students come to the class well prepared to ask questions, participate in discussions, and engage in hands-on activities, which can lead to a deeper understanding of the concepts/topics. Moreover, students also have direct access to the teacher for ...
cambridgeigcsestudiesassetsleadbetterstinchcombe CambridgeUniversityPress 978-0-521-17063-5–CambridgeIGCSEComputerStudies ChrisLeadbetterStewartWainwrightandAlanStinchcombe Frontmatter Moreinformation ©inthiswebserviceCambridgeUniversityPress.cambridge ChrisLeadbetter,StewartWainwright andAlanStinchcombe CambridgeIGCSE Computer...
Included in the text are a end-of-chapter questions are also clearly marked so that series of study tips and key defi nitions. Th ese highlight you can pick out, study and revise the material relevant important areas of learning and useful approaches to a to the ‘core’ and ‘extended...