This syllabus 0627 is graded from 9 to 1 but is otherwise the same as Cambridge IGCSE English First Language - 0500. You can therefore use the past papers for Cambridge IGCSE English First Language - 0500 to help with the 9-1 version of the syllabus. June 2...
【卖书】IGCSE&..原版书1.IGCSE Physics Coursebook2.Pure Mathematics 1(P1)3.ECONOMICS FOR GCSE4.IGCSE English as a Second
CIE IGCSE Chinese – First Language (0509) pastpaper 2010-2022 初中Lower Secondary(KS3,Year 7 Year 8 Year 9)同步学习助手 cambridge-secondary-school-checkpoint-exam-paper/ Lower Secondary math Lower Secondary science Lower Secondary English
A 10 lesson unit consisting of practise activities to support students studying the CIE 0500 specification for IGCSE English Language Paper 2. There is a focus on evaluating arguments, developing analysis and writing up ideas. Practise extracts, papers and examples are included. Suitable for a mixed...
am kinda ready now to start practicing past papers thankks a lots!!! Liked by 1 person Reply faris says: March 12, 2021 at 9:43 pm Whoever made this website is a life saver, i am on my first year of IGCSE’S and without this website i would be failing science. I wish you ...
这两点都是基于尽可能地多做书里的习题还有past papers的基础上才能实现的。Add Maths的运算量要比普通...
First examination
中文(Chinese First Language - CIE)对于我来说大概是最轻松的课。因为在国内有上过初中并且我偏科偏文,所以哪怕是对于以中文为母语的GCSE卷子也很简单,所以便在十年级提前考了。技巧也没什么,如果错的比较多的话,还是刷past paper最有效率。 EAL 是English as Additional Language。因为我是在国内公立学校初三毕...
这两点都是基于尽可能地多做书里的习题还有past papers的基础上才能实现的。Add Maths的运算量要比普通...
English First Language - 这个有些挑战,要多看英文书,考试难度远远高出eng 2nd,不过eng 1st lan是...