8. 附录 C:附加信息 – 剑桥国际证书。 47 1.1 为什么选择剑桥? 剑桥大学国际考试中心(CIE)是世界上最大的国际资格认证机构。每年有来自 150 个国家的约 150 万名学生参加剑桥考试。是什么让世界各地的教育工作者选择剑桥? 认可 剑桥 IGCSE 受到国际学校、大学和雇主的认可,与英国 GCSE 同等。剑桥 IGCSE 为 A...
It is mainly based on the English language. The Cambridge IGCSE board takes exams in May, October, and February (India only). It has the following subject groups- Languages- We offer IGCSE Tutoring for all major language courses for IGCSE like English, Spanish, French and German. Humanities ...
namely Language and Literature, Language Acquisition, Individuals and Societies, Sciences, Mathematics, and the Arts. Alongside these academic pursuits, the IB places a strong emphasis on the development of essential skills such as ...
国际班英语教材Cambridge IGCSE English First Language 3ed.pdf,ENDORSED BY GE . ~CAMBRID ~ · !Examinations tl !i lntcrnattona Cambridge® • IGCSE English as a first language Third Edition John Reynolds i 7HODDER EDUCATION Cambridge IGCSE English as a