🌟 Email Writing是必考题,通常要求写一封给朋友的邮件。在这种情况下,我们应使用非正式的写作风格!📝 写作小贴士: 🌿 掌握几个基本框架,无论题目如何变化,都能轻松应对。特别要注意时态的使用! 🌿 Email Writing不需要写标题,可以直接开始正文:“Dear xxx,” 🌿 写完朋友的名字后,记得加一个逗号,这是正...
Dear ___,I hope this email finds you well. It’s been a long time since our last meeting. I recently heard about ___, so I’m writing to you to ___.Things all happened when ___. + specific eventMy feelings towards this can be boiled down to ___. + your reflection on the ...
→攻克IGCSE ESL摘要写作失分点,其实只需这5步! 剩下的letter/email writing,内容相较其他难度更低,许多在国内学校就读的同学其实很早就接触过类似内容:(大家应该都给李华这个人写过信 ) Bing,这是一份国内初中水平的英语写作 国内英语书信写...
When you are writing an informal letter or sending an email to a friend, it is very important for the examiners to try and make it sound friendly and chatty. However, do bear in mind that informal register means something between spoken and written 3、language. You will be likely to ...
IGCSE ESL非常注重同学们的写作能力,以CAIE考试局为例,真题中会出现#摘要写作,#文章写作及#书信写作三种文本类型的题目。 小编在之前已经介绍过摘要写作及文章写作,剩下的letter/email writing,内容相较其他难度更低,许多在国内学校就读的同学其实很早就接触过类似内容:(大家应该都给李华这个人写过信 ...
IGCSE Writing THE INFORMAL LETTER EMAIL批注本地保存成功开通会员云端永久保存去开通 Well, the countdown has started. The IGCSE November 2009 session is coming up soon - actually end of October. On Wednesdays, I'll try to help out with writing by providing tips, plans and some exercises. There...
📝 Writing部分要多复习各种写作体裁,如Informal email、report、review和article writing等。📖 Summary部分建议平时多读外刊文章或past papers,锻炼自己的retell能力,有助于更好地提高paraphrase技巧❗️。0 0 发表评论 发表 作者最近动态 勿夺娜娜的Q糖 2025-01-14 INFJ进阶之路:探索与自我超越🌟 在......
Exercise 5:必考的informal email。题目不变,“Write an email to your friend.”,需要回答的3个bullet points要在邮件中体现,其他部分可以套用我的万能模版。 Exercise 6:从【Report, Review, Article Writing, Essay】中选一个写作题材。今晚务必熟练所有写作题材!
除此之外, 考试中还有directed writing,根据题目要求进行写作,同样文体各异。 总之,IGCSE 英文对写作的考察更全面,需要学生了解不同文体的写作手法和风格。 2)雅思: 小作文:通常都是分析图表( 折线图/饼状图/表格/流程图等); 大作文:话题不限,文体都是议论文。
小坚果们普遍比较薄弱的环节都是阅读写作(reading and writing)里面的写作题。在参加“坚果”的学科辅导课程培训前,需要熟读本推送的文章,对IGCSE有个充分的了解,在IGCSE的英文的写作部分总共3道题,分别是: ➤ summary ➤ write an email to a friend ...