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IGCSE化学(IGCSE Chemistry)课程涵盖了四大基础化学的内容,包括化学计量学、物理化学、无机化学、有机化学等。IGCSE化学涉及范围广,内容庞大,知识点琐碎繁杂。 学习IGCSE化学一定要熟悉化学的专业词汇,这样才能在做题时准确理解题意,这是做对题目的基础。平时遇到的化学词汇、术语要归纳整理、及时背诵,如果对化学词汇不敏...
Edexcel IAL Chemistry Lab Book:https://mega.nz/file/3xUQTILL#9hjL6b88F7KaMLmB_Pi0Nr1zeN5Hlj_5-zocIct60Y Edexcel IAL Physics Lab Book:https://mega.nz/file/H9VQECSB#4DCPKYWMrwZcAtfCbm0XAhWBoilvCXjzy98- yUwYXX4 Edexcel IAL Biology Lab Book:https://mega.nz/file/bgdUwCYI#9mQn1GWUs2...
Edexcel IGCSE化学Chemistry课程考试分为两个Paper : Paper1 :占整个IGCSE化学61.1% ,满分为110分,考试时间为2小时; Paper2 :占整个IGCSE化学38.9% ,满分为70分,考试时间为1小时15分钟。 【基本信息】 课程名称: Edexcel IGCSE化学Chemistry自学视频课程
Edexcel (London Examinations) GCSE Chemistry Specification. HOW TO GET THE MOST FROM THIS BOOK PRINCIPLES OF CHEMISTRY Atoms; Atomic structure; Relative molecular and formula masses; Chemical formulae and chemical equations; Ionic compounds; Covalent substances; Electrolysis; Metallic crystals CHEMISTRY OF...
First examination
1、线上录播课程:A-level课程(CAIE、EDEXCEL、OxfordAQA)、IGCSE课程; 2、线下培训课程:A-level课程(CAIE、EDEXCEL、OxfordAQA)、IGCSE课程、IB课程、AP课程、加拿大OSSD课程及澳洲等课程体系; 二、语言类课程版块:雅思、托福、朗思、领思、多邻国、PTE等语言课程; 三、竞赛及提升类课程版块:主要以工程、理科及商...
tutorMyself Chemistryis all you need to get to grips with the latestEdexcel iGCSE ChemistrySpecification (2017). tutorMyself Chemistry has already done the notes for you, so it’s just up to you to memorise these and start totest yourselfas early as possible. ...
当当豪逸图书专营店在线销售正版《爱德思 IGCSE 化学 Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Chemistry 默认》。最新《爱德思 IGCSE 化学 Edexcel International GCSE (9-1) Chemistry 默认》简介、书评、试读、价格、图片等相关信息,尽在DangDang.com,网购《爱德思 IGCSE 化
Write your name here Surname Other names Pearson Edexcel Certificate Pearson Edexcel International GCSE Centre Number Candidate Number Chemistry Unit: KCH0/4CH0 Science (Double Award) KSC0/4SC0 Paper: 1C Thursday 18 May 2017 – Morning Time: 2 hours You must have: Calculator, ruler KCH0/1C...