2.Tutor2u 这个网站上有非常多的复习笔记,基本囊括了你在课程中所学到的所以Topic。经济学的内容可以在这里找到。 3.Bank of England 这个网站英国学生用得挺多,不仅仅是学习资料了,它详尽记述了英国的经济,除了学习更多关于中央银行的历史,你还可以找到与当前经济政策相关的信息。 4.World Bank 这个网站上的资料...
Topic 5通信及互联网: 网络;网络安全;互联网和世界万维网。 Topic 6计算机技术的广泛影响:新兴的趋势、问题和影响。 三、爱德思igcse考试计算机科学评估内容 igcse考试计算机科学有两项考试: Paper1考的是计算机科学的基本原理(Basic principles of Computer Science),以及如何应用这些原理去解决实际问题。 主要考查以下...
在提高了对于题目的熟练度后,Multiple Choice Questions(多项选择题,以下简写为MCQ)就很容易拿高分(我的经济和化学MCQ都是这样刷上去的)。我认为,物理和化学的实验卷也是有逻辑地归纳总结知识点至关重要。对于大题的解题方法,我觉得经济和化学需要掌握答题的逻辑,记住回答问题的steps,就会比较容易拿高分。对于数学和...
The “Brain and Beyond” the Cambridge Experience showcased an amalgamation of different IGCSE subjects which the students are studying which includes Business studies, Mathematics, Languages Computer Science, Art and Global Perspectives reflecting their learning of IGCSE curriculum. The presentations demonstr...
What is even more precious is that Viktoria is such a humble pupil, and she does not have an arrogant attitude towards learning, despite her talent in maths. She always completes all the difficult questions and challenges. It is such an honour to teach Viktoria IGCSE additional maths this yea...
我准备申请Mathematics and Computer Science这个专业。当时确定专业的时候,我翻遍了牛津和剑桥的专业列表,然后把自己不能接受或者不擅长的专业一个个地划掉,剩下的就只有工程、计算机和数学。但是在深入学习了数学、AS高数、AS计算机、AS物理和AS化学之后,我发现我对计算机语言和数学定理证明都很感兴趣。所以最终,我决...
English, Math, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Computer science. Practice by topic Past exam questions and Marking scheme by topic for English, Math, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Computer science. Past papers Complete IGCSE Past Papers and Resources including: syllabus, specimen ...
Students also studied IGCSE Computer Science Teacher160 terms Chemistry- Organic Chemistry 152 terms GCSE Chem Topic 2 States of Matter and Mixture 15 terms Matter and radiation test correction 18 terms chemistry 29 terms MCQ On Immunological Techniques ...
Biology GCSE Edexcel - Topic 5 15 terms June 2016 QP - Paper 1 Edexcel Chemistry AS-level 6 terms Chapter 4 - Access Control Lists (Exam & Quiz Questions) 38 terms SCC 231 - Network Layer II 38 terms Edexcel A Level Economics all Diagrams q ...