We are currently in the process ofupdating the notes to match the Cambridge IGCSE* 2020 syllabus. There have only been a few changes in the new syllabi from the previous ones. So most of the notes are still relevant. We’re also proofreading the notes to fix any errors. If you find a...
可以从Junior Math Challenge做起,然后Grey/Pink Kangaroo,然后Senior Challenge等)。
由于Add Maths比普通数学稍微难一些,所以除了预习、上课认真听讲不懂一定要及时问、课后复习并好好写作业以外,有另外两点我觉得是对于我最后获取最高评分等级(A)非常有帮助的:一是积极参加学校组织的午间数学答疑(Math Surgery),二是整理错题。这两点都是基于尽可能地多做书里的习题还有past papers的基础上才能实现...
However, credit is given for valid answers which go beyond the scope of the syllabus and mark scheme, referring to your Team Leader as appropriate • marks are awarded when candidates clearly demonstrate what they know and can do • marks are not deducted for errors • marks are not ...
我选的是 化学 生物 经济 历史 西班牙语 加上必修的语数英。。。生物惨无人道最好不要选,西语还...
A)非常有帮助的:一是积极参加学校组织的午间数学答疑(Math Surgery),二是整理错题。
IGCSE科目 在不同的考试局、不同的国际学校,IGCSE的科目也不同。比如CIE考试局多达70门科目,爱德思...
一、IGCSE的选课范例(根据不同专业方向划分)1. 无明确专业方向 学姐觉得在IG阶段大家还没有明确的专业...