❌congruence criteria (knowledge of congruence itself is still in the syllabus) (Extended only) Paper1和Paper2不允许使用计算器,而试卷3和试卷4建议考生使用带有三角函数的计算器,不允许使用代数或图形计算器。相比2023/24年考纲,2025年新考纲评估目标更考验学生在减少外界辅助工具如计算器的情况下所展示的数学...
❌congruence criteria (knowledge of congruence itself is still in the syllabus) (Extended only) Paper1和Paper2不允许使用计算器,而试卷3和试卷4建议考生使用带有三角函数的计算器,不允许使用代数或图形计算器。相比2023/24年考纲,2025年新考纲评估目标更考验学生在减少外界辅助工具如计算器的情况下所展示的数学...
❌congruence criteria (knowledge of congruence itself is still in the syllabus) (Extended only) Paper1和Paper2不允许使用计算器,而试卷3和试卷4建议考生使用带有三角函数的计算器,不允许使用代数或图形计算器。相比2023/24年考纲,2025年新考纲评估目标更考验学生在减少外界辅助工具如计算器的情况下所展示的数学...
🔻box-and-whisker plots (Extended only) 🔻congruence criteria (knowledge of congruence itselfis still in the syllabus)(Extended only) Paper1&3没有新增考点 🔻paper 1&3删除的考点 🔻add and subtract vectors (Core only) ...
• congruence criteria (knowledge of congruence itself is still in the syllabus) (Extended only) Paper1&3没有新增考点 • paper 1&3删除的考点 • add and subtract vectors (Core only) • multiply a vector by a scalar (Core only) ...
• congruence criteria (knowledge of congruence itself is still in the syllabus) (Extended only) Paper1&3没有新增考点 paper 1&3删除的考点 • add and subtract vectors (Core only) • multiply a vector by a scalar (Core only) ...
✔data collection(it is expected that data collection will be part ofa course based on this syllabus, although it will not be assessedin an examination) 1 5、公式表变化 每一个难度层级上使用的公式表相同,比如Core难度的Paper1和3公式表相同,新考纲会在每份试卷的第二页附上公式表。
· congruence criteria (knowledge of congruence itself is still in the syllabus) (Extended only) Paper1和Paper2不允许使用计算器,而试卷3和试卷4建议考生使用带有三角函数的计算器,不允许使用代数或图形计算器。 CAIE官方给出的IG数学0580公式清单
▲删减知识点如下:✔proper subsets ✔inear programming (Extended only) ✔box-and-whisker plots (Extended only) ✔congruence criteria (knowledge of congruence itself is still in the syllabus) (Extended only) ✔data collection(it is expected that data collection will be part ofa course based...
Cambridge IGCSE International Mathematics Syllabus code 0607 For examination in June and November 20111.1 Why choose Cambridge?1.2 Why choose Cambridge IGCSE International Mathematics?1.3 Cambridge International Certificate of Education (ICE)1.4 How can I find out more?