更多猜你喜欢 IMO I109E-2016 IGF Code IMO TB104E-2006 IMO I104E-1993 IMO IA104E-2016 IGC CODE IMO I104E_June2013补充条款 MSC 370(93) - IGC Code REV2016-07 格式:PDF 页数:196 上传日期:2017-09-06 18:56:36 浏览次数:466 下载积分:500 加入阅读清单 还剩...
IA104E-2016 IGC 规则:国际散装运输液化气体船舶构造和设备规则(第二版) IGC Code: International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (Second Edition) IA104E-2016 发布历史IA104E-2016 标准号 IA104E-2016 ...
The authors describe hull design changes needed to update a ten-year-old 84,500 m~3 fully refrigerated VLGC carrier design with four IMO Type A tanks to meet the 2016 Code requirements. Their aim was to minimize the modification amount relative to the original project, in order to benefit ...
至此,新版IGC规则即将于2016年1月正式生效,并于2016年7月1日强制执行。这将影响未来新船设计以及在该日期后铺设龙骨的船舶。为... 国际海事组织(IMO)对《国际散装运输液化气体船舶构造和设备规则》(IGC Code)进行了修订,并已于今年5月通过了修订版,这是该规则自1983年以来的最大一次修改。至此,新版IGC规则即将...
CCS客户培训 IGC规则修正案 后续工作 ➢拟开展《新型液化气体船技术标准研究》,对各种货物围护系统涉及 的目前尚未解决的共性关键技术开展研究。➢新IGC规则与IACSURG1和G2的不协调的问题,IACS在IGC修订过程 中未考虑,已在船体Panel提出此问题。➢收集新IGCCode实施过程中我社及业界的问题,必要时向IMO提出。
01 新老IGC code 的比较
However, one of the major barriers to adoption of such new materials is the lack of appropriate test methods and specifications, and this precludes their use in building code structural applications. Existing test methods for evaluating portland cement concretes often do not relate well to field ...