01 IGC CODE 热度: IMO IGC Code (2004) 热度: IMOIGCCode Chapter19-Summaryofminimumrequirements 147 Chapter19 -Summaryofminimumrequirements Unlessotherwisespecified,gasmixturescontaininglessthan5%totalacetylenesmaybetransported withnofurtherrequirementsthanthoseprovidedforthemajorcomponents. ...
IMO IGC Code Chapter 19 -Summary of minimum requirements 147 Chapter 19 Summary of minimum requirements Unless otherwise specified, gas mixtures containing less than 5% total acetylenes may be transported with no further requirements than those provided for the major components.MFAG numbers are ...
1.1.1 The Code applies to ships regardless of their size, including those of less than 500 tons gross tonnage, engaged in the carriage of liquefied gases having a vapour pressure exceeding 2.8 bar abso- lute at a temperature of 37.8° C, and other products as shown in chapter 19, when ...
01 新老IGC code 的比较