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a, Hypergeometric test for enrichment (over-representation) of the shared clones between small intestines and meninges. An overlap occurring by random chance would be <13% or <154 clones (dotted black line). The observed overlap in clones between meninges and small intestine = 237/1,103 clones...
This project was partially supported by the Advanced Algorithm and Numerical Simulations Laboratory (AANSLab), Division of Computer, Electrical, and Mathematical Sciences & Engineering (CEMSE), King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST)....
Faure AK, Fricker-Hidalgo H, Pelloux H, Bost-Bru C, Goullier-Fleuret A, Ambroise-Thomas P. Lack of value of specific IgA detection in the postnatal diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis. J Clin Lab Anal 1999;13:27-30.Faure, A. K., H. Fricker-Hidalgo, H. Pelloux, C. Bost-Bru, ...
The serum IgA level was extracted by a lab value query performed by eight active sites in the eMERGE phase III. The genotyping and imputation of the eMERGE cohort have been previously described in detail71,72,73. Briefly, we implemented the mimimac3 imputation model with HRC1.1 as references...
ACT Test Panels LLCactc,actgene,active motif,activemotif,Adam Equipment,Inc,AddexBio,Addexbio Technologies,addgeneademtech,adg,ADI,ADInstruments,adipogen,Adolf Kuhner,adooq,Advance Tabcoadvanced immunochemical,advanced immunochemical inc,advanced targeting systems,Advansta,Advansta Inc.,Advansta,Inc,Advantech...
Statistical differences among sample groups were tested using the Kruskal– Wallis test, and only significant P-values are shown in the figure. The distribution of plasma anti-GPL-core IgA and IgA2 concentrations for each participant is presented in Fig. 2. Plasma anti-GPL-core IgA levels ...
massspectrometry,linkedonlinetoahigh-Inhumans,IgAisproducedinquantitiesthat performanceliquidchromatographyreverse-greatlyexceedthecombinedproductionof phasecolumn,revealedHRglycopeptideallotherimmunoglobulinisotypes(∼70mg speciesintwoseparatechromatographicpeakskg−1day−1versus22mgkg−1day−1forIgG butwiththe...