Mantigames Marino Games Mark of the Muse Mars Gaming Martin Björkhem Marvelous Meeples Gaming Masquerade Games Massif Games Massive Cat Games Mathgamespro Matt Bahntge Matt Nguyen Matt Worden Games Matthew Gravelyn Games Maverick Muse Ltd. Max Stat Gaming Maxmuses Mayday Games ...
It is well known that IgAN is determined synthetically by genetic factors, environmental disturbance and immune response. Among them, immune inflammation achieved a dominant position in the occurrence and progression of IgAN. PCA cluster analysis is a tool to evaluate the consistency of biological dupl...
Moreno JA, Martin-Cleary C, Gutierrez E, Toldos O, Blanco-Colio LM, Praga M, Ortiz A, Egido J (2012) AKI associated with macroscopic glomerular hematuria: clinical and pathophysiologic consequences. Clinical journal of the American Society of Nephrology : CJASN 7:175–184 Article CAS PubMed...
Segarra A, Carnicer C, Jatem E, Martin M, Molina M, Perich C et al. Accuracy of Urinary Epidermal Growth Factor to Creatinine Ratio to Predict 24-Hour Urine Epidermal Growth Factor and Interstitial Kidney Fibrosis in Patients with IgA Nephropathy.Clinical laboratory. 2019;65(6). PubMed PMID...
Magnetic force microscopy (MFM) is a scanning microscopy technique that is commonly employed to probe the sample’s magnetostatic stray fields via their interaction with a magnetic probe tip. In this work, a quantitative, single-pass MFM technique is pre
9N, O). In experiments involving folic acid-induced AKI, Martin-Sanchez [48] found that Fer-1 can specifically and significantly improve the renal function of mice, reduce intracellular lipid peroxidation, and reduce renal tubular epithelium cell damage and death. Further, levels of erastin-...
kxy ¼ kx; ky is the corresponding in-plane wavevector. Figure 3 sketches the potential of a simultaneous Bz and B0z measurement. Inferred quantities like depth or width of the magnetization textures can be directly accessed, if the measured magnetization textures are well approximated by ...
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