That's coming from a workaround for Vagrant 1.8.5 - 1.9.1 which does not bring up the hostonly interface properly. Some users report to have a different naming schema for that interface, mine createseth1. # workaround for Vagrant >1.8.4-1.9.1 not bringing up eth1 properly # https:/...
1回答 /etc/网络/接口-多个网关 、、、 所有的路由都发生在我的交换机和防火墙上。每个服务器都能够在每个子网上平另一个服务器。在同一个网卡上使用多个网关有问题吗?新的人际关系。谢谢!Sep 10 19:47:18 vmhost02 ifup[933]: ifup: failed to bring up eno2 Sep 10 19:47:20 vmhost02 ifup[933]...
由于集群是生信所有分析工作的基础,我们所用的 IBM LSF 集群一共有 30 多个计算节点,其中还包括了 2...
After that, I attempted to vagrant this package up. But following error came up. [node1] Configuring and enabling network interfaces... The following SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant assumes that this means the command failed! /sbin/ifup eth1 2> /dev/null So I...
1. 创建表,提示已经存在 [root@node1]# hbase shell 2017-04-07 14:13:46,230 WARN [main] ...