Overall, iFunBox is a valuable tool for those looking to enhance their iOS device management experience, especially for Windows users who seek an iTunes alternative.Note: Connected iDevice (iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch). Requires iTunes.Also Available: Download iFunBox for Mac Download iFunBox...
软件语言:简体中文 软件厂商:独立开发者 适用系统:WinXP/WIN7/Win8/Win10 软件授权:免费软件 i funbox安装教程 iFunBox是一款支持iPhone, iPod Touch和iPad文件浏览器,无须越狱和任何破解,可以直接使用,不安装任何守护进程,就能进行媒体管理(MP3、电影)。值得肯定的是,它采用Windows的资源管理器方式来进行管理,对于...
iFunBox Windows版 iFunbox V3.0 9/20/2016 立即下载 iFunbox Classic 2/10/2015 立即下载 iFunBox Mac版 iFunbox V1.8 2/3/2016 立即下载 iFunbox V1.5 12/05/2015 立即下载 邮箱 商务合作: open@appholly.com 反馈建议: ifunbox@appholly.com 社交媒体 关于iFunbox 联系我们 隐私保护...
ifunbox传游戏,得和installous一起使用,相当方便,反正比itunes同步要快得多。设备连接电脑以后打开ifunbox,然后找到路径:Var/Mobile/Downloads/,把你下好的游戏复制进去,然后手机上打开installous,就会看到刚才的游戏,直接安装就可以了 ifunbox怎么传照片?
Download iFunBox for Windows version iFunbox v2.95 iFunbox Classic iFunbox v3.0 (2014) download .exe .zip .exe date 4/12/2015 2/10/2015 4/6/2015 summary Powerful file and App data managing includes video, music, photo and ringtones...
Downloads778 OSWindows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 InstallationInstal And Uninstall Keywordsmanage,manager,file,iPhone,iPad,folder Users' rating (26 rating) Currently 3.50/5 1 2 3 4 5 Add to saved freewareReport spywareDownload i-FunBox - Freeware Download Notice ...
iFunBox Windows 09/20/2016 iFunbox V3.0 download 02/10/2015 iFunbox Classic download iFunBox Mac 02/03/2016 iFunbox V1.8 download 12/05/2015 iFunbox V1.5 download
Download for WinDownload for Mac PONS It is compatible with Windows 10/11 and MacOS. The iFunbox alternative support one-click transfer. It will transcode files automatically during syncing. You can manage and free up iPhone space on Mac. It has tested for the latest iPhone running iOS 18....
8. /private/var/mobile/Library/Downloads (ipa文件存放目录,用Installous安装) 9. /private/var/mobile/Library/Keyboard (系统拼音字库文件位置) 10. /var/stash/Themes.XXXXXX (winterboard主题文件存放路径) 11. /private/var/mobile/Media/DCIM/999APPLE (系统自带截屏文件存放路径)...
“lightweight”CrossOver), I'm using Parallels 8. As I synchronize my iDevices from under OS X, I couldn't synchronize them from under Windows because of the lack of support for synchronizing apps, media, photos etc. with more than one desktop. And Windows is the operating system we ...