图2 Example offline emulation of instantaneous short-wave surface tendency (W/m2) from the radiation scheme. Top: using a conventional radiation scheme (ecRAD with the Tripleclouds solver), middle: using a convolutional neural network emulator, bottom: difference between the two. ECMWF还与雷丁大学...
已创建一个GitHub空间来托管开源 IFS 组件:https://github.com/ecmwf-ifs(见图)。这与主要的 ECMWF GitHub 空间(https://github.com/ecmwf)不同,表示在目的和支持方面存在差异。主空间包含为社区利益而提供的受支持包;IFS 空间包含主要为支持预先存在的协作而发布的代码。虽然...
据悉,ECMWF近年来在推进AI技术在数值天气预报领域应用上采取了三管齐下的技术路线:一是开发纯数据驱动AI预报模型,2023年10月推出AIFS 1°确定性预报实验版本(水平分辨率约100公里),2024年1月推出AIFS 0.25°确定性预报实验版本(约28公里),2024年4月推出AIFS...
2025年2月25日星期二,新版人工智能预报系统(AIFS)确定性模式将发布并支持运行。此次发布是 ECMWF 历史上的一个重要里程碑,因为 AIFS Single v1 将是第一个全面投入运行的 AIFS 模型。 除了AIFS Single的运行外,v1版本还将取代现有的实验版本v0.2.1。新版本将对确定性 AIFS 模式进行修改,其中包括 改进高层...
ecbuild (seehttps://github.com/ecmwf/ecbuild) Further optional dependencies: MPI Fortran libraries fckit compiled with eckit support (seehttps://github.com/ecmwf/fckit) Building FIAT Environment variables $ export ecbuild_ROOT=<path-to-ecbuild> $ export MPI_HOME=<path-to-MPI> $ export fc...
ECMWF IFS HRES 0z/12z(10 days)from11/27/2024/12z CIN (most unstable layer) (J/kg) Update times: ca. 2:00pm-3:00pm and 2:00am-3:00am for master run and 4:30pm and 4:30am for ensemble data This service is based on data and products of the European Centre for Medium-range...
The ECMWF Correlated k-Distribution (ecCKD) scheme (since ecRad 1.5), which uses a flexible discretization of the spectrum that is read from a file at run-time. The subdirectories are as follows: radiation- the ecRad souce code ifsaux- source code providing a (sometimes dummy) IFS environ...
ECMWF IFS HRES 0z/12z (15 days) - Current model charts of parameter "Snow depth" for map "China"
ECMWF now have more than two years experience of using a distributed memory parallel computer for the operational forecasting system. During that time a number of problems areas in the IFS have been found and addressed.Mats HamrudTowards teracomputing: Eighth ECMWF workshop on the use of ...