(16)recognition of DTA US GAAP:DTA is recognized in full but is then reduced by valuationallowance,所以看到valuation allowance 肯定是用的 US GAAP 记录在B/S上可以是 current asset 也可以是 non-current asset, based on the classification of related non-taxassets or liabilities。IFRS: recognized ...
(13)intangible asset什么时候capitalized什么时候expensed (14)impairment of assets (15)reporting models of long-lived asset (16)recognition of DTA (17)insurance cost (18)classification of lease and lessor (1)个性的不同 IFRS 是principles-based approach,提供一个范围宽广的框架,不给你规...
导致了两者迥然不同的风格:US GAAP 横平竖直,丁是丁卯是卯,不厌其繁地出台各种细节规定,自由发挥...
IAS 12, Income Taxes (amended byRecognition of Deferred Tax Assets for Unrealised Losses, effectiveJanuary 1, 2017) 此项更新主要是为了更准确地说明在何种情况下应当确认一项由未实现损失带来的递延所得税资产,澄清了几点包括: 如果某一项时间性差异未来转回时不受税法的限制,那么应当和其他时间性差异合并一...
Recognition Criteria of Assets must be met before the Recognition of Assets. A resource must meet the definition of asset as laid down in the IFRS before recognition.
IAS 36 Impairment of Assets IAS 38 Intangible Assets IAS 39 Financial instruments: Recognition and Measurement IA S 40 Investment Property Section C Liabilities 第三部分 返回顶部 负债 IAS 10 Events After the Balance Sheet Date IAS 12 Income Taxes ...
(16)recognition of DTA US GAAP:DTA is recognized in full but is then reduced by valuation allowance,所以看到valuation allowance 肯定是用的 US GAAP 记录在B/S上可以是 current asset 也可以是 non-current asset, based on the classification of related non-tax assets or liabilities。 IFRS: recognize...
一般情况下用P/L,比如持有股票。 也可以进入OCI,只要不是短期投机为目的,而且是个不可撤销的选择,选了之后就不能改了。 measurement: 图片发自简书App 图片发自简书App 如果选P/L,则交易成本进入费用, 如果选OCI,则交易成本加初始计量金额,而且不能重分类。