本刊物所载资料不构成任何建议,亦不应替代具有适当资质的专业人员所提供的服务。 “IFRS®” 、“IASB®”、“IFRIC®、 “IFRS for SMEs®”、“IAS®”和“SIC®”为IFRS Foundation的注册商标。KPMG IFRG Limited根据许可...
The IFRS Foundation's logo and the IFRS for SMEs® logo, the IASB® logo, the ‘Hexagon Device’, IAS®, IASB®, ISSB™, IFRIC®, IFRS®, IFRS for SMEs®, IFRS Foundation®, International Accounting Standards®, International Financial Reporting Standards®, NIIF® and SI...
The IFRS Foundation's logo and the IFRS for SMEs® logo, the IASB® logo, the ‘Hexagon Device’, IAS®, IASB®, ISSB™, IFRIC®, IFRS®, IFRS for SMEs®, IFRS Foundation®, International Accounting Standards®, International Financial Reporting Standards®, NIIF® and SI...
The IFRS Foundation's logo and the IFRS for SMEs® logo, the IASB® logo, the ‘Hexagon Device’, IAS®, IASB®, ISSB™, IFRIC®, IFRS®, IFRS for SMEs®, IFRS Foundation®, International Accounting Standards®, International Financial Reporting Standards®, NIIF® and SI...
1 International Financial Reporting Standards IFRS for SMEs IFRS Foundation-World Bank 18–20 October 2011 Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina Copyright © International Financial Reporting Standards The views expressed in this presentation are those of the presenter, not necessarily those of the IASB or...
ACCA P2 考试:IFRS FOR SMES (Part 1) A focus on the International Financial Reporting Standard for small to medium-sized entities The principal aim when developing accounting standards for small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) is to provide a framework that generates relevant, reliable and usefu...
2016 年ACCA 考试 IFRS FOR SMES (Part 1) IFRS FOR SMES (Part 1) A focus on the International Financial Reportin g Standard for small to medium-sized entities The principal aim when developing ac counting standards for small to medium-sized enterpr ises (SMEs) is to provide a framework that...
我是汉斯·胡格沃斯特,IASB现任主席。IASB负责制定国际财务报告准则,称为IFRS。此外,我们还为小规模、非上市公司制定了一套更简洁的准则,称为中小企业IFRS(IFRS for SMEs)。 IASB成立于2001年,我从2011年开始担任主席。虽然我们的总部设在伦敦,但IASB是一个高度国际化的组织。我们的员工来自全球约30个不同的国家...
(5)The Board issues the IFRS for SMEs® Standard 理事会批准了中小企业国际财务报告准则 (6)The Board issuesthe chapters of IFRS 9 Financial Instruments relating to classification andmeasurement of financial assets 理事会发布《 IFRS 9金融工具》中有关金融资产分类和计量的章节 ...
“IFRS®” 、“IASB®”、“IFRIC®、 “IFRS for SMEs®”、“IAS®”和“SIC®”为IFRS Foundation的注册商标。KPMG IFRG Limited根据许可证包含的条款和条件予以使用。如需了解IFRS Foundation的商标正在哪些国家/地区予以使用和/或已经注册,请联系IFRS Foundation。