The property intended for sale and the property being constructed would be classified as inventory and WIP. The property leased out to a subsidiary would be regarded as an investment property in the single entity financial statements,but is treated as owner occupied in the consolidated financial sta...
For such a subsidiary, if it is highly probable that the sale will be completed within 12 months then the parent should account for its investment in the subsidiary under IFRS 5 as an asset held for sale, rather than consolidate it under IAS 27. However, IAS 27 still requires that if ...
After the proceeds had been debited to bank in its individual financial statements, Tùzǐ Co should have credited the investment in the subsidiary and recognised a profit or loss on disposal. This would then be adjusted on consolidation.
After the proceeds had been debited to bank in its individual financial statements, Tùzǐ Co should have credited the investment in the subsidiary and recognised a profit or loss on disposal. This would then be adjusted on consolidation.
计算处置子公司利得(或亏损)(profit (or loss) on disposal of the subsidiary) 在合并利润表里,仅一行单独列报profit (or loss) for the year from discontinued operations(将上述1和2的金额加到一起) 在兔子的个别报表里,处置子公司的对价被错误地以全额计入投资收益(investment income)【即错误地做了Dr cas...
these amendments provided additional transition relief in IFRS 10, limiting the requirement to present adjusted comparative information to only the annual period immediately preceding the first annual period for which IFRS 10 is applied. In October 2012 IFRS 10 was amended by Investment Entities (Amendm...
Debit Investment in subsidiary: CU 13 616 Credit Cash: CU 100 000 The subsidiary’s entry is very similar: Debit Cash: CU 100 000 Credit Loans payable: CU 86 384 Credit Equity – capital contributions: CU 13 616 If the loan is provided in the opposite direction (by subsidiary to parent...
•IFRS3BusinessCombinations(asrevisedinJanuary2008)† •IAS27ConsolidatedandSeparateFinancialStatements(asamendedinJanuary2008)† •CostofanInvestmentinaSubsidiary,JointlyControlledEntityorAssociate * (AmendmentstoIFRS1andIAS27)(issuedMay2008)
IFRS in Brief:国际财务报告准则简介 热度: IFRS – Conversion:国际财务报告准则–转换 热度: IFRS10 InternationalFinancialReportingStandard10 ConsolidatedFinancialStatements InApril2001theInternationalAccountingStandardsBoard(IASB)adoptedIAS27ConsolidatedFinancialStatementsandAccountingforInvestmentsinSubsidiaries,whichhadorigi...
Quick question on the disposal of investment in Subsidiary. If parent carries investment in Sub at fair value through OCI (election made on day 1), upon disposal of that sub, gains/ losses will not hit P&L . How about goodwill in the disposal computation? thanks Reply John December 31...