IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for sale and Discontinued Operations The objective of this IFRS is to specify the accounting for assets held for sale, and the presentation and disclosure of discontinued operations. In particular, the IFRS requires: (a) assets that meet the criteria to be classif...
acca基础ifrs 5 non current assets held for sale and discontinued operations持有待售非流动资产分类或处置组必须满足.pdf,P2 Corporate Reporting IFRS 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale Dis Operations Non-current Assets Held for Sale Classification to Non-cur
If an entire subsidiary is disposed of and if this meets the criteria for a discontinued operation, then its results are consolidated up to the date of disposal. However, in accordance with IFRS 5, this must be presented as a single line item....
An entity shall classify a non-current asset (or disposal group) as held for sale if its carrying amount will be recovered principally through a sale transaction rather than through continuing use. 2.1 Criteria –important To classify as held for sale the asset (or disposal group) must beavail...
Objective This standard prescribes the criteria and the accounting treatment for the non-current assets which are to be classified as held for sale, along with the presentation requirements for such assets. It also ...
IFRS 5 establishes a classification for non-current assets 'held for sale' using the same criteria as those contained in US FASB Statement 144 Accounting for the Impairment or Disposal of Long-Lived Assets. In general, the following conditions must be met for an asset (or 'disposal group') ...
prohibit retroactive classification of an operation as discontinued, when the criteria for that classification are not met until after the reporting period. (e) (f) (ii) (iii) ? IFRS Foundation A211 IFRS 5 International Financial Reporting Standard 5 Non-current Assets Held for Sale and ...
of, by sale or otherwise, together as a group in a single transaction, and liabilities directly associated with those assets that will be transferred in the transaction. (c)classifies an operation as discontinued at the date the operation meets the criteria to be classified as held for sale or...
7. IFRS 5 – Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations 7.1. General IFRS 5 is not a primary Level I IAS statement for transition purposes, but it specifies accounting for assets held for sale and the presentation and disclosure of discontinued ...
Disposal groups may be classified as discontinued operations when they meet specified criteria. IFRS 5 requires that all of those assets should be recorded at the lower of carrying value or its estimated selling price less costs to sell, i.e. net realizable value. When a company decides to ...