16 ifrs foundation a1137解释财会计准则ifric16.pdf,IFRIC 16 IFRIC Interpretation 16 Hedges of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation (IFRIC 16) is set out in paragraphs 1–19 and the Appendix. IFRIC 16 is accompanied by an illustrative example and a Basi
1、IFRS 2016 Red Book English Version Part B2016International IFRS?Official pronouncements issued at 13 January 2016. Includes standards with an effective date after 1 January 2016 but not the standards they will replace. IFRS? Standardsas issued at 13 January 2016This edition is issued in two ...
This study examines whether the revised lease standards (ASC 842 and IFRS 16) make U.S. GAAP-based accounting amounts more comparable with IFRS-based accou
IFRS 14 Regulatory Deferral Accounts;· Accounting for Acquisitions of Interests in Joint Operations(Amendments to IFRS 11);· Clarification of Acceptable Methods of Depreciation and Amortisation (Amendments to IAS 16 and IAS 38);· Agriculture: Bearer Plants (Amendments to IA...
the IASB has issued the following: • Amendments to IFRS 16 'Leases', lease liability in a sale and leaseback • Amendment to IAS 1 'Presentation of financial statements', non-current liabilities with covenants This publication is designed to be used by preparers, users and auditors of IF...
19-9月p7冲刺直播p7讲义aaa复习模块20-1 ifrs 16-改1.pdf,IFRS 16 Lease Lessee Accounting Main features IFRS 16 introduces a single lessee accounting model and requires a lessee to recognise assets and liabilities for all leases with a term of more than twel
the IASB has issued the following: • Amendments to IFRS 16 'Leases', lease liability in a sale and leaseback • Amendment to IAS 1 'Presentation of financial statements', non-current liabilities with covenants This publication is designed to be used by preparers, users and auditors of IF...
cash equivalents and bank overdrafts at beginning of the period 11 Three months ended 31 March: 2014 2013 3,490 43,024 320 538 (1,513) 18,420 Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period 43,344 16,907 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this consolidated interim condensed...
(63) Total 9,323 22,807 16,699 6,876 23,831 (75,180) (20,298) (22,811) Net exposure at 31 December 2011 (b) Commodity price risk 18,303 (58,375) 1,319 (38,753) The Group's overall commercial trading strategy in natural gas and liquid hydrocarbons is centrally managed. ...