The introductionof IFRS 13 is an opportunity to verify the state of art of theapplication of fair value as a subsequent measurement.Furthermore, the paper aims at verifying whether theintroduction of IFRS 13 leads to an improvement in thedisclosure reported in the notes. Focusing on investment...
IFRS 13 does not specify the unit of account that should be used to measure fair value. This means that it is left to the individual standard to determine the unit of account for fair value measurement. A unit of account is the single asset or liability or group of assets or liabilities....
IFRS 13 does not specify the unit of account that should be used to measure fair value. This means that it is left to the individual IFRS Accounting Standard to determine the unit of account for fair value measurement. A unit of account is the single asset or ...
29 June 2010Exposure DraftMeasurement Uncertainty Analysis Disclosure for Fair Value MeasurementspublishedComment deadline 7 September 2010 19 August 2010Staff draft of a IFRS on fair value measurement released 12 May 2011IFRS 13Fair Value MeasurementissuedEffective for annual periods beginning on or after...
Disclosure IFRS 13 requiresextensive disclosureof sufficient information to asses: Valuation techniques and inputs usedto develop fair value measurement for both recurring and non-recurring measurements; The effect of measurementson profit or loss or other comprehensive income for recurring fair value measu...
measurementanddisclosurerequirementsoftheIFRSdonotapplytothefollowing: (a)share-basedpaymenttransactionswithinthescopeofIFRS2Share-basedPayment; (b)leasingtransactionswithinthescopeofIAS17Leases;and (c)measurementsthathavesomesimilaritiestofairvaluebutarenotfairvalue,suchasnet realisablevalueinIAS2Inventoriesorvalue...
IFRS in Focus IASB issues new standard on fair value measurement and disclosure For more information please see the following websites: Definition of ‘fair value’The Standard ...
disclosure purposes depends on its unit of account The unit of account for the asset or liability shall be determined in accordance with the IFRS that requires or permits the fair value measurement except as provided in this IFRS The transaction 15 A fair value measurement assumes that the asset...
The standard’s disclosure requirements apply to items measured at fair value and also to items that are not measured at fair value. This course is designed to help you understand the basic concepts of fair value measurement, the scope of IFRS 13 standard, the 5 steps of measurement as ...