<iframe height="100%" width="100%" src=http://www.goudiannao.com/“> </body> </html>
<iframe width=420 height=330 name=aa frameborder=0 src=http://www.liuyebo.com></iframe>,然后,网页上的超链接语句应该写为:<a href=URL target=aa > 将iframe解释成“浏览器中的浏览器”很是恰当 <iframe frameborder=0 width=170 height=100 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 scrolling=no src=”move-...
I am trying to embed a vimeo iframe with 100% width. If I try like that it is not getting the full width: <iframe title="vimeo-player" src=" <?php echo $src; ?>" width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen></iframe> If I use suggested answers...
window.frames['iframe的名字'] (通过iframe上的name属性) document.getElementById("HtmlEdit").contentWindow; (通过原生的方式,所有主要浏览器都支持 contentWindow 属性) 示例: <iframe ID="HtmlEdit" MARGINHEIGHT="1" MARGINWIDTH="1" width="100%" height="312"> </iframe> 参考: http://blog.csdn.n...
<iframe src={{iframeUrl}} width="100%" height="100%"> <h4>Alternative content for browsers which do not support iframe.</h4> </iframe> 2. 如果想支持, 直接通过ajax方式来获取内容, 然后直接讲内容修改. 比如 <iframe src={{iframeUrl}} width="100%" height="100%"> {{myAjaxContent}}...
License and credits Additional contributors What is this? Using iframes in a responsive page can be frustrating. It’s easy enough to make an iframe’s width span 100% of its container, but sizing its height is tricky — especially if the content of the iframe changes height depending on ...
若子应用加载失败,需要给相应的提示或动态插入iframe页: // iframe.jsexportdefault({sourceUrl})=><iframesrc={sourceUrl}title="xxxx"width="100%"height="100%"border="0"frameBorder="0"/>import{render}from'react-dom';// 全局未捕获异常处理器addGlobalUncaughtErrorHandler((event...
i have placed an <b>iframe</b> on my website. for some reason scrollbars are appearing on it, even though i have set the height and width of the iframe to 100% also i have tried using the “overflow: hidden;” attribute but NO luck ...
License and credits Additional contributors What is this? Using iframes in a responsive page can be frustrating. It’s easy enough to make an iframe’s width span 100% of its container, but sizing its height is tricky — especially if the content of the iframe changes height depending on ...
width="100%"是 iframe 宽度,可以是百分比或者数值,百分比可以自适应页面; frameBorder={1}是 iframe 边框是否展示,1 代表展示,0 代表不展示; scrolling="no"是滚动设置,yes 代表展示,no 代表不展示,auto 代表自动识别; height={0}是 iframe 高度,可以是百分比或者数值,这里设置为 0 代表无内容不展示,有内容...