1 HTML - turn specific google maps link to map inside an iframe Related 2 how to display a map location from your website using google maps 2 How to load a Google Map in an iframe with Javascript? 0 How to Iframe google map with PHP 0 Google maps not working in an iFrame 4 ...
如何在iframe中嵌入Google Maps。当我单击Google Maps屏幕中的菜单时,它将转到“共享或嵌入地图”,其中我在其中获得了iframe的URL,但这不起作用。如果iframe完全使用Google Maps屏幕菜单和搜索选项,则用户可以在其中输入要搜索的内容。我的意思是说此图像(带有搜索选项的Google Maps)应适合IFRAME 在此处输入图像说明 看...
我希望在javascript中动态创建一个"google映射“链接,而不是将其设置为src,用于我的iframe,但我不知道谷歌地图是否不可能实现,因为这是行不通的: document.getElementById('map_canvas').src='http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=209246852521822593612.0004feda304ac527ea40a&o...
google-maps iframe google-maps-api-3 2个回答 2投票 这似乎是 Embed API 的当前限制。然而,使用 JavaScript API 就足够简单了。这是更多的工作,但更加灵活和强大。 0投票 您应该这样写:q=您的自定义名称/@19.1174848,72.8642947, 您可以使用 + 或不使用 +,不要忘记在您的位置名称后添加 '/@'。
<iframe width="100%" height="400" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" src="https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/place?key=<MY_KEY>&q=50.068842, 8.645633&zoom=15"> </iframe> 结果是: 如果没有API密钥: 代码语言:javascript 复制 <iframe width="100%"...
cssgoogle-maps 4 我使用iframe在我的网站上插入了一个谷歌地图。 问题是地图下面有一个“空白区域”。 我已经尝试过以下方法: padding: 0 !important; margin: 0 !important; 但是它没有起作用。我该如何删除它? 这是真正的网站(仅在底部):http://jurisglobal.es/ - JPashs3...
I am trying to add a Google Map to my design, that is supposed to be responsive. I've used the same code that works out for images... But for some reason, the map's iframe resizes with dimensions I didn't pick. HTML <iframe src="http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?vpsrc=6&ctz=...
I am using google map embeded api to display direction between two points. <p><iframe width='600' height='450' frameborder='0' style='border:0' src='https://www.google.com/maps/embed/v1/directions?key=AIzaSyAb9sz-Ih7YtVpdvoT5mLqgkJBx99yR8bc&origin=Anand,+Gujarat,+India&destinat...
For example, consider a local business with a physical storefront. Its website can leverage an inline frame to embed a map showing its location directly on its website. Instead of linking to a Google Maps page, the inline frame displays the map within a section on the website, delivering...
A new XSLT utility, “Google Maps Iframe” is now available for download. Comments and feedback can be left here but if you discover any issues, please post it on theissue tracker.