iframe嵌套(等宽高比自适应:aspectRatio) 可以使用iframe引入外部网页 <iframe title="vimeo-player"src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/919942180?h=a56246711a"width="640"height="360"style={{width:'100%',aspectRatio:'16/9'}} frameBorder="0"allowFullScreen /> 如果你希望iframe的宽高比保持固定,可以...
<iframe id="iframe" :height="scrollHeight" :width="scrollWidth" frameborder=0 allowfullscreen="true" src="/docs-html/xxx.html" ref="iframe" scrolling=auto></iframe> </template> <script> export default { data() { return { scrollWidth: 1000, scrollHeight: 1000, } }, methods: { getS...
Windows 7上Ubuntu 16.04虚拟机安装成功后,默认的虚拟机窗口比较小,需要适当调整,才能把虚拟机的屏幕...
flg =false; //视频初始化完成 player.on('complete', function() { //$('#mse .xgplayer-full...
$content.height($(this).height() - 147); $content.find('iframe').each(function () { $(this).height($content.height()); $(this).width($content.width()); $(this).contents().find(".layui-layer-iframe").width($content.width()) ...
For example, the live sample itself, and the try it example at the top, are both <iframe> embeds of content from another MDN site. HTML htmlCopy to Clipboardplay <iframe src="https://example.org" title="iframe Example 1" width="400" height="300"> </iframe> Result playEmbedding ...
marginheightDeprecated The amount of space in pixels between the frame's content and its top and bottom borders. marginwidthDeprecated The amount of space in pixels between the frame's content and its left and right borders. scrollingDeprecated ...
marginHeight: string 屬性值 string marginWidth 警告 此API 現已淘汰。 設定或擷取左右邊界寬度,再顯示框架中的文字。 TypeScript 複製 marginWidth: string 屬性值 string mozRequestFullScreen TypeScript 複製 mozRequestFullScreen: Function 屬性值 Function ms...
[iframe src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/dUpTjDqjQoo" width="100%" height="500"] shortcode == Description == * **[Advanced iFrame Pro](https://1.envato.market/Ym5aq"Advanced iFrame Pro")** * **[iframe](http://web-profile.net/wordpress/plugins/iframe/"Plugin page")** * **...
Oh no, that’s not right at all! The<iframe>is not the right height, and it’s not positioned correctly. We can fix these with thepositionattribute: That’s it: a full-width<iframe>with fixed aspect ratio. Enjoy.