It has been blocked, as Chrome now only delivers cookies with cross-site requests if they are set with `SameSite=None` and `Secure`. 解决方案1 在cookie中追加属性 secure; SameSite=None 此方案需要使用https协议 此方案可能由于某些浏览器不支持SameSite属性而使cookie无法正确传递,需要判断user_agent包含...
解决思路 通过form表单提交post请求,通过target关联iframe渲染结果,参考: 代码片段 <formaction="your_post_action"method="post"target="myframe"id="myform"><inputtype="submit"value="提交"...
Hi There, We have a web application with URL ""that uses IFrame and src into a different domain URL"" Page B. The Page B Content-Security-Policy uses frame-ancestors to allow Page A to IFrame into Page B. Also Page B is not using Cookies. This setup works on oth...
It seems that the recent updates to the Safari browser (Prevent cross-site tracking) blocks any cookies from being generated when the Matomo domain doesn't match the website it's being loaded from. This breaks the use of iFrames for Matomo that require cookies to be set (For example the...
var end = cookies.indexOf(";", offset); end = (end != -1) ? end : cookies.length; midway_url = cookies.substring(offset, end); } //将目标地址的js引入页面中,实现功能 if (midway_url) { var dom_script = document.createElement("script"); ...
If your own site can embed the script to call a third-party JS API, so too can a malicious fourth-party. This is fine for public, read-only, data, but what if you’re relying on the user’s cookies to make privileged calls to the third-party? Then the fourth-party’s web app ...
cookies.set('access_token', 'c212e015-d66e-460f-97ab-55fab8e19bed', options); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 跨域: CORS(Cross-Origin Resource Sharing):CORS 是一种官方标准的跨域解决方案,通过服务器设置正确的 CORS 头部,允许跨域请求携带 Cookie。这种方法较为直接和标准化,可以在客户端进行...
I know why Vimeo iframe embed cookies is not scraped... :( Screenshot in human navigation : Screenshot with Puppetter... Sign up for free to join this conversation on GitHub. Already have an account? Sign in to comment Assignees No one assigned Labels None yet Projects None yet Mi...
- iframe’s should not be able to view content/cookies from another domain- iframe. children CAN view certain properties and execute certain behaviors - parent.window.blur - parent.window.opener - parent.window.length - others- iframe. children CAN redirect the parent frame. to a new location...
# Cookies # #转到正确的域...driver.get("") # #现在在这里的整个域设置的cookie, # #这里的cookie的名称是'key',它的值是'value'的 driver.add_cookie...# 现在的输出当前URL的所有可用的cookies for cookie in driver.get_cookies(): print "%s -> %s" % (cookie['name...