Hansenne, M.: Le potentiel evoque cognitif P300 (ii): variabilite interindividuelle et application clinique en psychopathologie. Neurophysiol Clin 30 (2000) 211-231Le potentiel evoque cognitif P300 (II): Variabilite interindividu- elle et application clinique en psychopathologie," Neurophysiol. ...
Le potentiel évoqué cognitif P300 (I) : aspects théorique et psychobiologique[J] . M Hansenne.Neurophysiologie Clinique / Clinical Neurophysiology . 2000 (4)Hansenne,M. Le potentiel evoque cognit if P300(I):Aspects the oriqueet psychobiologique[The P300 cognitive event-related potential:I....
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1. First check the power adapter is working by ensuring it is securely plugged in where the cord goes into the unit's DC port and where the plug goes into the outlet. Try testing with other power outlets to see if the power adapter is working correctly. 2. If there is nothing wrong ...
2024年已经“余额”严重不足了,就算是农历年也只剩下两个月的时间了。而即将到来的2025年,就是生肖蛇年。 在我国传统的农历纪年法里是颇为特殊的一年,因为它不仅有闰六月,又逢“双春年”,而且还恰逢“春打五九尾”。那这样的年份有啥说法,年景好不好呢?我们不妨一起来了解下吧。
If-then planning modulates the P300 in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Neuroreport 18, 653-657 (2007).Paul, I., Gawrilow, C., Zech, F., Gollwitzer, P., Rockstroh, B. & Odenthal, G. (2007). If-then planning modulates the P300 in children with attention deficit ...
Methylphenidate and if-then plans are com- parable in modulating the P300 and increasing response inhibition in children with ADHD. Atten Defic Hyperact Disord 2010;2:115-26.Paul-Jordanov I, Bechtold M, Gawrilow C. Methylphenidate and if-then plans are comparable in modulating the P300 and ...
Methylphenidate and if-then plans are comparable in modulating the P300 and increasing response inhibition in children with ADHD. Attent Defic Hyperact Disord 2: 115- 126, 2010.Paul-Jordanov I, Bechtold M, Gawrilow C. Methylphenidate and if-then plans are com- parable in modulating the P300...
Le potentiel evoque cognitif P300 (II): variabilite inter- individuelle et application clinique en psychopathologie. Neurophysiol. Clin. 30, 211-231.Hansenne, M.: Le potentiel evoque cognitif P300 (ii): variabilite interindividuelle et application clinique en psychopathologie. Neurophysiol Clin ...