忘记密码? 验证你的账户信息以重设密码。
4. 现在登陆Email邮箱。在邮箱中会看到一封来自Apple的如何重设Apple ID密码的邮件,点击邮件中的重设密码链接。它会打开重设密码的网页,现在只需要重新输入一个密码就可以了。(必须在收到邮件三小时内点击,过期链接会失效)。5. 设定密码成功,现在可以重新登录icloud了。
Apple ID,那里点忘记密码,会有2种方式可以找回或修改密码,选择邮箱找回,会有邮件发到您绑定的邮箱,然后根据邮件内的链接修改密码就可以了
1、用手机打开浏览器,在浏览器的地址栏输入IFOROT,然后 输入你的apple id,就是你注册时候的邮箱;2、选择你要找回密码的方式,分为电子邮件和安全提示问题,下一步;3、选择你注册时填写的出生日期,然后点击下一步。4、回答你注册苹果ID时的安全提示问题,然后下一步。5、输入你的新密码,确认后...
3.这个时候浏览器会显示一个对话框,在对话框中输入丢失的Apple ID,点击Next,转入重置页面;4.这里面有两个选项,第一个是通过邮箱重置,第二个是通过安全问题重置密码,你可以选择自己已有的方式进行重置,我这边以邮箱重置,单击第一个Reset By Email-跳转至邮件发送成功页面:5.切换至邮箱,打开...
Enter your Apple ID. Enter your Apple ID email address. If you can't remember your Apple ID, click "Look it up" to find it. Select Your Recovery Option. Choose how you'd like to reset your password. If you have set up security questions, you can select whether to receive an email...
METHOD 1: UNLOCK APPLE ID VIA RECOVERY EMAIL OR SECURITY QUESTIONS ON IFORGOT.APPLE.COM To unlock your Apple ID using the iforgot.apple.com website, you can follow these steps: Open a web browser and visit iforgot.apple.com. On the iforgot.apple.com page, enter your Apple ID, which...
Step 1: Head to the official iforgot.apple.com unlock website. Step 2: Enter the email of your Apple ID and if requested, enter the phone number associated with your Apple ID. Step 3: On the next interface, select either of the two options “Get an email” or “Answer security que...
1、苹果5,iforgot是:苹果的Apple ID密码重设服务。2、如果密码输错次数过多,会看到一条信息,提示设备已停用。如果忘记了密码,则需要dao抹... 苹果app的iforgot是什么意思? 1、苹果5,iforgot是:苹果的Apple ID密码重设服务。 2、如果密码输错次数过多,会看到一条信息,提示设备已停用。如果忘记了密码,则需要da...
Unlocking a disabled Apple ID may seem a bit complicated at first, but using email is a good way to recover your Apple ID. Let's move on to how to use iforgot.apple.com to unlock Apple ID:. Step 1: First visit iforgot.apple.com website. Step 2: Enter your Apple ID email addres...