随着全球疫苗接种百分比不断提高,IFMAR正在考虑2022年的RC遥控车赛事计划,初步希望在2022年9月至11月举办3-4个不同级别/车型的世界赛。IFMAR期望能够尽快RACING TOGETHER again(再次一起比赛),一旦决定举办赛事,IFMAR将会提前3个月公布,以便全球各地的车手预订机票酒店。
2016 IFMAR 油动越野车世界赛结束 2016年IFMAR 1/8油动越野车世界赛在美国拉斯维加斯RC Tracks of Las Vegas赛道落下帷幕,场主Chris Tocco曾经是一位越野摩托车车手,由于受伤而退出这项运动最终投身至RC运动。赛道为典型的美式泥地加上小部分铺装路面组成,顺时针行走。回顾两年前的1/8油越世界赛在欧洲意大利Mess...
2023 IFMAR 1/10 电动越野车世界赛|2WD项目,由年仅16岁的Tater Sontag夺得世界冠军! 使用TLR(Team Losi Racing) 22 5.0 DC Elite赛车,马达好盈Hobbywing G3 7.0T,电调Fantom Pro 2.0,电池Protek 4800mAh,遥控器Sanwa M12,车壳Pro-Line Axis Lightweight。Tater也是2WD项目的TQ,三轮A组决赛,Tater在前两轮均夺...
2023 IFMAR 1/10 电动越野车世界赛|2WD项目,由年仅16岁的Tater Sontag夺得世界冠军! 使用TLR(Team Losi Racing) 22 5.0 DC Elite赛车,马达好盈Hobbywing G3 7.0T,电调Fantom Pro 2.0,电池Protek 4800mAh,遥控器Sanwa M12,车壳Pro-Line Axis Lightweight。Tater也是2WD项目的TQ,三轮A组决赛,Tater在前两轮均夺...
The race was organised according to the international rules of the IFMAR (International Federation of Model Auto Racing), the world governing body of RC car racing. New Aspire Zone track benefits local radio-controlled car racers 18-28.08.2005: IFMAR World Championship of remote controlled racing ...
Korgae Scales Joins Schumacher Racing New Rush 36MR2 BRCA Tyre Sam Coult Wins BRCA GT12 Championship More news...IFMAR Worlds Japan13 October 2015So the 2015 Worlds is done, and what a great week it was for the Schumacher team. 14 year old Michal Orlowski took the fight of the Schu...
#XRAY #强国模型 #rc 855 2 10:12 App 3RACING樱花D5S漂移车差速器组装 强国模型 324 -- 14:33 App 2023 泰国TITC Modified 和 13.5T Open Brushless A组决赛 #强国模型 #RC #TITC 920 -- 0:29 App Xray X4'23 碳纤维底板生产中。100%欧洲制造,100%XRAY制造。#强国模型 #xray #rc 1049 -- ...
“grow”. Well, here’s some news for ya, the video of Cyrul has done more to promote 1/12th scale racing than everything else combined in the last decade. That video didn’t just make it around to hardcore rc’ers, it made the full rounds to where even casual rc’ers got to ...
08:58 2016 IFMAR 1/12th scale World Championships - A-Main Leg 2 [HD, 720p] 上传者:bbwhobby 08:52 2016 IFMAR 1/12th scale World Championships - A-Main Leg 1 [HD, 720p] 上传者:bbwhobby 59:53 2016 IFMAR 1/10th IC Worlds 2016 - The FINAL! [RCRacing TV] 上传者:bbwhobby 53:35...
RC racers from across the globe come to this race armed with all of the above and it won’t be enough but for only one of them, as the brutal truth and beauty of racing is that here can only be one winner. If it sounds tough, that’s becau...