With PI 7.31, there are still some gaps between iFlow and the Swing tool of the Integration Directory. These gaps are being closed with future SPs and EhPs. For example, we still need to assign the Business Systems in the Integration Directory from the SLD. The dynamic routing is only bas...
This is a very basic example graph demonstrating how the SAP CPI-PI iFlow operator interacts with connected operators.
The SAP CPI-PI iFlow operator provices the possibility to trigger iFlows in an SAP CPI system. It calls the set CPI system sending the received input data (JSON is assumed) as payload. The response is emitted via the outbound port. Currently, only HTTP B
FTP, FTPS, PASV, EPSV, Sender, Poll, Polling, Passive, 229, SAP, SCI, CI, CPI, SCPI, Cloud Integration , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-CON-SOAP , SOAP 适配器 , Problem About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. Clickmoreto access the full version on SAP for Me (...
SAP Cloud Integration (aka CPI) allows to call an integration flow via HTTP request from an external system (HTTP Sender adapter). The iFlow endpoints are protected with OAuth, however, however, CPI supports Basic Authentication as well. In this blog post, we learn h...
prolog, synchronous, asynchronous, SAP RM, SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2, SAP Cloud Platform Integration, Unexpected, character, in, expected, <, at, [row,col {unknown-source}]:, caused, by, code, IDOC, SOAP 1.X, Success Factors SOAP adapter , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-CON-SOAP , SOAP 适配器 , Pro...