2024年3月19日至21日,第14届国际流体动力会议(The 14th International Fluid Power Conference,14th IFK)在德国德累斯顿召开,本届会议包含5个大会主旨汇报、6个特邀报告及91个分会场报告,其中来自企业界大会主旨报告3个、分会场报告32个,涉及高...
2024年3月19日至21日,第14届国际流体动力会议(The 14th International Fluid Power Conference,14th IFK)在德国德累斯顿召开,本届会议包含5个大会主旨汇报、6个特邀报告及91个分会场报告,其中来自企业界大会主旨报告3个、分会场报告32个,...
The theme of the 12th International Fluid Power Conference-to be held March 9 to 11, 2020 in Dresden, Germany - may be "Future Technology", but attendees will leave this event with things they'll want to do immediately. That's because th... A Hitchcox - 《Hydraulics & Pneumatics Serving...
Welcome to the 12th International Fluid Power Conference The 12th IFK will be held as a digital event! Due to travel restrictions and health concerns caused by the coronavirus, the 12th IFK will be held as an innovative online event. We are excited to use a digital event platform that meets...
The 10th International Conference on Fluid Power (IFK) is being held in Dresden, Germany, on 8-10 March 2016 - celebrating its tenth anniversary.doi:10.1016/s1350-4789(16)70014-6NoneSealing Technology
The Oyster wave energy power plant is installed on the sea bed and has a vertical installed flap of 12m x 26m which is driven forwards and backwards by the horizontal wave movement. Two hydraulic cylinders, connected to the tilting flap, pump water based hydraulic fluid via pipelines to a...
Call for papers issued for 9th IFKThe 9th International Conference on Fluid Power (IFK) is scheduled to be held in Aachen, Germany, on 24–26 March 2014.doi:10.1016/s1350-4789(16)30013-7NoneELSEVIERSealing Technology
Registration still open for IFK.The article offers information on the 6th International Fluid Power Conference to be held in Dresden, Germany on March 31 until April 2, 2008.EBSCO_AspHydraulics & Pneumatics
2024年3月19日至21日,第14届国际流体动力会议(The 14th International Fluid Power Conference,14th IFK)在德国德累斯顿召开,本届会议包含5个大会主旨汇报、6个特邀报告及91个分会场报告,其中来自企业界大会主旨报告3个、分会场报告32个,涉及...
3月19日至21日,第14届国际流体动力会议(The 14th International Fluid Power Conference,14th IFK)在德国德累斯顿召开,姚静教授带队一行8人参加了此次会议,博士生王定煜做了《非金属变容液压油箱特性比较分析》分会场报告。 燕大参会师生合影...