iFIT’s combination of proprietary technology, innovative hardware and immersive experiences is unparalleled anywhere in the industry. It’s what keeps our members motivated. It’s what has fueled our growth to make us one of the largest digital health and fitness platforms in the world. And it...
iFIT’s combination of proprietary technology, innovative hardware and immersive experiences is unparalleled anywhere in the industry. It’s what keeps our members motivated. It’s what has fueled our growth to make us one of the largest digital health and fitness platforms in the world. And it...
iFIT Inc. 5 Rue Alfred De Vigny 78112 FOURQUEUX FRANCE Sales Phone:+33 (0) 1 39 10 14 00 Email:salesfr@iconeurope.com Customer Service Support Center Asia Pacific Asia Sales Phone:8621-6327-6535 Email:asiasales@iconfitness.com Customer Service ...
Peloton老对手iFIT提交IPO招股书,两家的差异到底在哪儿 44岁的互联健身平台iFIT Health & Fitness Inc(下简称“iFIT”),在目睹老对手Peloton上市后,也决定要走进二级市场了。8月31日,iFIT向美国证券交易委员会提交招股书,准备在纳斯达克上市。根据招股书,iFIT在IPO中筹集至多1亿美元,但Renaissance Capital Partn...
iFIT develops tech that is cutting-edge, keeping it accessible so anyone who wants to reach their fitness goals has the right tools to do it. Our vision is to create the world's most holistic health and fitness platform, integrating all elements of health - physical fitness, mental health,...
技术图表 iFIT Health & Fitness Inc 0.00 0.00(0.00%) 1日 1周 1个月 3个月 6个月 1年 5年 最大值 IFIT评分 公司稳健度解锁 公允价值解锁价格 公允价格 看涨 技术分析 暂不支持。 分析师观点 暂不支持。 成员看法 看空 看多 ProTips 暂不支持。
44岁的互联健身平台iFIT Health & Fitness Inc(下简称“iFIT”),在目睹老对手Peloton上市后,也决定要走进二级市场了。 8月31日,iFIT向美国证券交易委员会提交招股书,准备在纳斯达克上市。根据招股书,iFIT在IPO中筹集至多1亿美元,但Renaissance Capital Partners估计,此次IPO可能将筹集8亿美元。
IFIT iFIT Health & Fitness Inc. Latest News Follow112 followers Pending IFIT is defunct since October 7, 2021. Summary All Analysis News Related Analysis IFIT News Show Full Stories Show Full Stories This feature available only for pro users Type:All Types Date Range:Select Date There are...
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Transform your home gym with the iFIT workout app. Interactive personal training with on-demand fitness classes – treadmill, cycling, abs, and more!