IFF在军事英语中的含义是Identification Friend-or-Foe,即敌我识别,这是一个至关重要的电子设备系统,用于在战场环境中准确识别目标身份。以下是对IFF的详细解释: 一、IFF的基本概念 IFF系统是一种先进的电子设备,其核心功能是敌我识别。在复杂的战场环境中,IFF系统能够迅速、准确地判断目标是否...
our foe魔鬼 the arch foe魔鬼 相似单词 IFFabbr. [军] Identification Friend or Foe, 敌我识别 当且仅当 iffabbr. 1. (= if and only if) 当且仅当 2. (= Identification;Friend or Foe) 敌我识别器 foen. 仇敌,反对者,敌人 FOE【缩写】 =Fraternal Order of Eagles 战斗机老牌驾驶员兄弟会 ...
IFF系统——敌我识别利器 敌我识别系统电子识别计算机IFF系统由于超音速飞机和防空导速度非常之快,如果直接运用视觉方式无法辨识其敌我身份.敌我识别系统(Identification Friend or Foe,IFF)则能很好地解决这一问题,简言之,它是一种通过计算机判定目标身份的电子系统.长岭技术...
IFF Systems manufacturers & suppliers of Identification Friend or Foe technology & equipment for military, aerospace & defense applications
IFF(Identify Friend or Foe,即敌我识别)是一种用于区分友军和敌军的技术和系统。在现代战争中,敌我识别系统是非常重要的,可以确保不同阵营之间的通信和协作能够顺利进行,避免误伤和意外事故的发生。本文将介绍IFF方案的背景、原理、应用以及未来发展方向。 背景 在过去的战争中,由于无法有效区分敌我,友军之间的误伤成为...
Identification Friend or Foe,IFF系统是指敌我识别系统。军用上第一种较为实用的IFF系统为Mark X系统,但它最大的缺陷在于容易被地方欺骗,后来发展起来的Mark XⅡ增加了保密模式:4模式。4模式为军用的加密识别模式,通过特定的加密算法和不断更新的密钥对识别信息进行...
Our Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) Systems include some of the most advanced hardware, software and mechanical designs, integrated to meet the community’s high standards for security in lightweight, low power, ruggedized form factors.
英语缩略词"IFF"在日常交流中,通常代表着"Identification, Friend or Foe",中文直译为“身份、朋友或敌人”。这个术语主要用于军事和政府领域,它的流行度较高,为1621次。其主要功能在于区分敌我,帮助识别友军飞机,同时在电子战和导航系统中也扮演重要角色。IFF系统具有五种识别模式,用于对飞行中的...
it is identified as a friend; if it responds inappropriately or not at all, it can be distinguished as a foe. Each airplane is installed with an IFF transponder that responds to all incoming IFF interrogation requests and also defines the intent of the airplane. The IFF system uses two diff...
Identification Friend-or-Foe (IFF) is a secure aircraft identification system that detects and tells us the difference between the friendly and hostile aircrafts. These systems use electromagnetic and RF devices to communicate with the aircrafts and identifying friendly, foe or neutral forces in airsp...