if you want it,then you have to take it,but you already knew that。妥妥行动大于言语的名言了 来自Android客户端4楼2022-07-06 16:10 收起回复 JAOFS 暗之噩梦 11 Embrace the darkness that's within me试着去拥抱心底的罪恶No hiding in the shadows anymore不要再利用阴影作斗篷When this wickednes...
但丁:Hey!Vergil,you portal-opening days are over. Give me the Yamato.维吉尔:If you want it,thenyou have to take it.维吉尔起身转身面对但丁:But you already knew that.但丁:I had feeling you say that.(亮出斯巴达之剑,伴随着一阵急促的鼓声)维吉尔:How many times have we fought?但丁:Hard to...
阎魔刀1:1还原, 视频播放量 439、弹幕量 0、点赞数 5、投硬币枚数 2、收藏人数 1、转发人数 0, 视频作者 老邱手作, 作者简介 手作人一名,相关视频:【鬼泣5】男生说话像阎魔刀的正确方式belike:,斯巴达解救维吉尔,鬼泣五阎魔刀全网最还原。,爱你的猫抛瓦(维吉尔反向次
当青沼英二艰难地爬到山顶,发现陶德·霍华德早已在那里等候。(塑料椅,回头,缓缓起身)”嘿,陶德,你扯谎的日子结束了,把年度最佳给我。““If you want it, then you’ll have to take it. But you already knew that.”因为
if you want itif you want it5dnz1qd4lLz编辑于 2024年11月03日 22:33 Hey Vergil, your portal-opening days are over. Give me the Yamato. If you want it, then you’ll have to take it. But you already knew that. I had a feeling you’d say that. How many times have we fought ...
有没有老哥把这段原文..Hey Vergil, your portal opening day is over. Give me the Yamato.If you want it, then you'll have to take it, as you have already known.全文谢谢听一次想笑一次不过我还想要后面的内容
If you want it, then you will have to take it.要是想要,你就得自己来拿。不愧是抛瓦人V哥,...
I am the storm that is approaching!
If you want it then you have to take it but you already knew that 来自Android客户端10楼2022-06-16 17:32 回复 空着丶就好 嘎七姆七 14 老父亲的塑料椅 来自Android客户端11楼2022-06-16 17:35 回复 枣•铃「超」 最好朋友 12 my power shall be absolute 12楼2022-06-16 17:35...
“If you want it,then you have to take it.”[喵喵] 白天路过小区附近地摊的时候,看到一个塑料椅「手机支架」,2块钱果断拿下[偷笑] 地摊老板要是知道我买回去足足玩了一个晚上,估计要说:“两块钱给你还是卖...