I would be true to myself and say, “No, I would prefer to be called [ee-lean-ka] as this carries great meaning for me.”(记住,你不应该为了迎合别人而改名字。以我为例。人们经常问我是否有昵称,或者他们是否可以把我的名字改成更简单的名字。但我坚持自己的立场。我会诚实地对自己说:“不,...
If you prefer to go to bed and get up later- a sleep type known as being a night owl—you may be at higher risk for type 2 diabetes (糖尿病) and heart disease, a new study found.Night owls were more inactive, had lower fitness levels and burned less fat at rest than early birds...
What is your favorite color?Do you like yellow,orange and red?If you do,you must be an optimistic (乐观的),a leader,an active person who enjoys life,people and excitement.Do you prefer grey and blue?Then you are probably quiet,shy,and you would rather follow than lead.You tend to...
When it comes to pillows, there are a range of different fillings. Foam and memory foam are the most common, which are both hypoallergenic and often adjustable, meaning you can add in or take out foam inserts to adjust your pillow’s height. ...
It’s actually a bit of sarcasm on our part, an inside joke if you will. We actually try incredibly hard to avoid conspiracy theories or anything that could even be construed as a conspiracy theory. We much prefer facts and objectivity to conspiracy theories that warn of “secret cabals ...
You wish to succee d an d want other peopl e to see you ar e successful. At least this is what psyc hologists (心理学家) tell us, un d they shoul d k now, becaus e they hav e been seriously studying th e meaning of color preferenc e (), an d th e effect () that col...
Again th e thing to rem ember is being activ e in listening an d preferab ly taking som e notes.If you follow thes e pieces of advice, your spea king an d writing will improv e automatically, a n d you can b e sur e that with a littl e effort th ey will becom e perfect...
If You Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him! #書# 《If You Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him! -- The Pilgrimage of Psychotherapy Patients》 讀這本書,第一眼是給密密麻麻的封面吸引,第二眼對裹腳布長書名的好奇,但最終讓人放不下書的是看似老調可又有新彈的內容。 作者Kopp是一位資深...
When you need more workspace, it can be a 17" widescreen desktop resting on its built in easel stand, using the keyboard wirelessly in front of it. HP worked with Microsoft to re-architect software to add support for the 1.5 display mode, so that the screen area above the keyboard can ...
How to become:Registered nurses usually complete a diploma, associate’s degree or bachelor’s degree in nursing. A nursing license must also be earned, meaning that aspiring nurses must pass the National Council Licensure Examination. 19. Body part model ...