Ifyou love Roblox, then it might seem hard to find more games that are similar to this unique gem. However, while this game might be in a class of its own, you can definitely check out the following titles to enjoy a somewhat similar experience, at the very least. Updated April 3, 2...
local debounce = false script.Parent.Touched:connect(function(hit) if not debounce then debounce = true if(hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")~=nil)then local hasPass = script.Parent.HasPass.Value print(hasPass) local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent) local sound = s...
RobloxforXbox Series X|Sis released on November 20th 2020 in commemoration of the 5th anniversary of the last twoXboxversions RobloxforPlayStation 5is released on February 8th 2021 in commemoration of the 5th anniversary of the last threePlayStationversions ...
If you have children in your home or anyone who enjoys playing computer games, you may have heard of Roblox — the online gaming platform that’s grown in popularity in recent years. The platform allows people to play an infinite number of games designed by other users, and to even cr...
I have been having a Notkrnl.exe driver error: I have been having a Notkrnl.exe error and Its only happening when I play Roblox for like 30 or min then I crash and get a DPC WatchDog error which when I look it up it leads me to the cause and its the Notkrnl.exe, but any ...
Check that the while loop is at thebottomof the script, below the Touched event. If the loop is not at the bottom, it'll keep other parts of the script from running correctly. Check that each color insideColor3.fromRGB()is correctly written. There must be three numbers between 0 and ...
Roblox, developed by Roblox Corporation Destiny 2, developed by Bungie The above franchises are developed and published by studios outside of Microsoft/Xbox, but they're available to play on Xbox and PC. If you're playing a third-party game and need support from the studio for your issue,...
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👖🧥👕👔🧦👘🥻🩲🩳🦺🩱🥼 stay safe traveler.. if you need me again, just search up"louie!! <3" in ths search bar.. goodbye.. roblox - anonymousventer1 3< !!eiuol wfsn amard feeb ereh wenmi moc.sobmocijome ydemoc yalp erneg rotca longiug dnarg yalp ...
事件:9月27日,据报道,沃尔玛正在向元宇宙挺进,它在线上游戏平台Roblox推出两套体验。沃尔玛首次进入VR世界带来了可以丢玩具的飞艇、集合热门艺人的音乐节、一些游戏和虚拟商品,另外还有“沃尔玛Land”和“Universe of Play”两套体验。 9、苹果将允许NFT市场通过Apple Pay出售NFT ...