This clip is from Shuffle Up & Play Episode 7, my new Magic: The Gathering Gameplay series. You can watch the full episode here: #shorts #magicthegathering #mtg ►This channel is brought to you thanks to ou...
oh, this is what it’s really doing. So that drop of this vague anxiety to something that — I essentially, what I did, I put LLM into a box. Of course LLM can do a lot of things, but, hey, here, ...
Well, dear heart, if you think that the age of consent being 18 (it’s actually 16 in most states, but never mind) is a law of nature, you should perhaps meditate on George Bernard Shaw’s dictum: Pardon him, Theodotus: he is a barbarian, and thinks that the customs of his tribe...
What would you do first, and what would you do differently? Andy McAdams: Uff, I don’t actually know. I’d probably go back and start over in all three, but they’d never be as good as they once were. I don’t think I would want to dedicate the time inWor...
Pixel 9 Pro owners get a free year of Gemini Advanced with their purchase, so you’ll be able to try Live right out of the box. I found Gemini Live to be friendly, but not that useful, since it mostly added an extra step between myself and information I could have found with a ...
Here is a video showing the extension in action: How it works The TFT Tooltips Companion App works behind the scenes while you are streaming, reading live TFT game data from memory. This data is then ultimately sent to the Twitch extension,...
And out of that thought came an extension that, if you did lose that “seed of the opposite” by moving your attribute balance all the way to one end of the other, you would be incapacitated. For example, someone who lost any psychic ability was unable to form thoughts at all, while ...
Don’t touch unless you know what you’re doing! VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = “2” Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| config.vm.provider “virtualbox” do |v| v.memory = 1024 v.cpus = 1 end config.vm.define “prod” do |prod_config| = “jam...
My enthusiasm dimmed slightly on receiving a training tips e-mail which included a section on box jumps for doing a “fire jump” at the end, and I quote “because you don’t want to be set on fire”. They were right. I did not want to be set on fire. I practised my box jumps...
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