Look, if you had one shot, or one opportunity.To seize everything you ever wanted. one moment.Would you capture it or just let it slip?——Eminem《Lose Your self》#mma# mma超话 #UFC# UFC超话#超话创作官##UFC295# #UFC圣保罗# ...
LoseYourself 歌手:Eminem Look'ifyouhadoneshot'oneopportunity 嘿!如果你有一次机会 Toseizeeverythingyoueverwanted…Onemoment 只有一瞬间的机会去抓住你想要拥有的一切 Wouldyoucaptureitorjustletitslip?你会紧紧攥住,还是就让它这样溜走?Hispalmsaresweaty'kneesweak'armsareheavy 他双臂沉重膝盖发软...
1. 如果你有一个机会 《八英里》艾米纳姆02自传R级影片,H漫画,... ... look( 注意)if you had one shot(如果你有一个机会) one opportunity( … www.rayfile.cc|基于2个网页 2. 如果有东西打动你 LOSE YOURSELVE ... Look ! 听着!!If you had one shot如果有东西打动你One opportunity 也许是一个...
If you had one shot, one opportunity … #8mile #8英里 #Eminem #阿姆 #slimshady - 𝙀𝙢𝙞𝙣𝙚𝙢 的草稿箱于20230308发布在抖音,已经收获了2582个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
I only have the W2 here and based on w 31025 eminem吧 表怀念我 【原创】Look, if you had, one shot .Or one opportunity姆爷lose yourself remake重编曲...house舞曲风格...To seize everything you ever 分享171 黎明杀机吧 13号无面男 大家有什么和杀机向契合的歌曲吗? 我先来,《epitaph》 歌词...
Look' if you had one shot' one opportunity To seize everything you ever wanted…One moment Would you capture it or just let it slip? His palms are sweaty' knees weak' arms are heavy There's vomit on his sweater already' mom's spaghetti He's nervous' but on the surface he looks ...
In March 2022, you were halfway through specialist. By September, you were still expert. Looks like you wouldn't have succeeded in this challenge had you done it two years ago. → Reply » » » TimDee 11 months ago, # ^ | +8 Ok → Reply » » TimDee 9 months...
身高177体重65,控球突破不 痞子Eminem大爷 身高177体重65,控球突破不行,身体不行。投球动作手型还行。跑位积极 贴吧用户_... 4-14 2 女生 适合分卫吗 精灵宝盒8 身高167cm 臂展174cm 体重43kg 女生 七投三突 多中远投 少上篮 变向不行 有组织有传球视野 之前一直打控卫 然后就有人说我变向不行...
And we help you through a lot of bad storms. I'll tell you, we had some really bad ones. You remember you were there when I brought the hospital ship against everyone's advice and we got it in there and took care of a lot of people," Trump said. ...
(you've got to know, that you can get the driver license first in the age of 18 in Germany) In the past I had wonderful b 分享1223 皇家守卫军吧 Imperience 【搬运】天十与鑫的故事世界的力量平衡突然发生了变化。天十即使在深度冥想的状态下也能感觉到。发生了翻天覆地的变化,连神都无法预见的...