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爱悦图创作的儿童有声书作品If You Give... Series,目前已更新6个声音,收听最新音频章节If You Give a Mouse a Brownie。LauraNumeroff经典系列!跟着作者的想象力,在一连串意料之外又在意料之中的连锁事件中回到起点。你也...
If You Give . . . Series Guide Making Cross-Curricular Connections (Great Works Series)Pearce, Tracy
In an over-saturated market of mechanistic and over-complicated task chairs, Pallo is a breath of fresh air. In its geometric simplicity and intuitive functionality, it fulfills the need for ergonomic seating in the flexible and soft ...
Mouse Cookies & More: A Treasury《老鼠饼干故事4册合集》是美国儿童作家劳拉•乔菲•努梅罗夫编写的If You Give…系列童书之一,共有4个故事,含食谱、歌谱、游戏以及1张CD。书里并没有什么所谓的“教育意义”,没有讲述大道理,只是娱乐、娱乐、娱乐。孩子读得开心,和爸爸妈妈一起读更开心。家长可以和孩子把...
MU16 is a Chinese brand dedicated to lead-free crystal glassware. The Fibonacci Series of wine glasses is 100% originally designed. The outline of the glass is inspired by the Fibonacci golden ratio curve, which is the most perfect classic golden ratio in nature. The glass is hand blown in...
This book is a great firstintroduction to Mouse, the star of the If You Give series and a perennialfavorite among children. And with its spare, rhythmic text and circulartale,If You Give a Mouse a Cookieis perfect for beginningreaders ...
What if you had by:神奇麦麦 36 If You Can-64 Bars by:情迷电音 3991 If You Give... Series by:爱悦图 1999 If You See a Kitten by:绘本音频管理员 3016 if you see a kitten by:辣妈婴幼儿英语启蒙 1356 Catch Me If You Can by:天禄琳琅Michael ...
My favorite book is one in a series by Numeroff, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, where the children design their own story, using a literature “wheel” and fill in each part of the wheel with the next thing the mouse will want. The top portion of the wheel is turned to see the ne...
42.Toyota BT Staxio S-series(备用堆垛机) Designer设计者:Toyota Material Handling Europe 设计说明: Built around li-ion, built around you. The new Toyota BT Staxio S-series stand-in stacker truck has been designed with the driver in mind. Drivers benefit from a newly designed operator compartme...