IF(logical_test, value_if_true, [value_if_false])例如:=IF(A2>B2,"超出预算","正常")=IF(A2=B2,B4-A4,"")参数名称:logical_test(必需):要测试的条件。value_if_true(必需):logical_test 的结果为 TRUE 时,您希望返回的值。value_if_false(可选):logical_test 的结果为 FA...
其实差不多,你可以试试,不要用a=#VALUE!这个 改成 a.Text="#VALUE!"就应该可以判断了!
if($gameVariables.value(6)==0){ $gameVariables.setValue(23, 'Pie 1'); } elseif($gameVariables.value(6)==1){ $gameVariables.setValue(23, 'Pie 2'); } elseif($gameVariables.value(6)==2){ $gameVariables.setValue(23, 'Pie 3'); } else $gameVariables.setValue(23, 'Pie 4');...
If Option1.Value = True Then这句倒是没有什么错,但以下这句确是应该算错了 x = Text1.Text 因为X是Single类型的,所以上句应该改一下,如下句:x = Val(Text1.Text)
在此示例中,单元格 D2 中的公式表示:IF(C2 = 1, then return Yes, otherwise return No)如你所见,IF 函数可用于计算文本和数值。 它还可用于计算错误。 不仅可以检查一项内容是否等于另一项内容并返回单个结果,而且还可以根据需要使用数学运算符并执行其他计算。 此外,还可将多个 IF 函数嵌套在一起来执行多个...
I'm looking for a way to streamline the training entry process, and need a bit of help with a function. I have an established spreadsheet with first and
The goal is to reference a second sheet (training attendance sheet) and compare first and last names against those in the existing sheet. If the names of those in attendance match those of the master spreadsheet, a date of completion will be automatically placed (text format). ...
impactor for femoral impactresistancevalue impacts of e-commerce impacts of exclusion impair extraction met impair the liver impaired fasting gluc impaired walking impaired wheelchair m impairment lung impairment of bodyflu impairment of hearing impairment of the use impairment with grief impairmentisaquality...
If Cell.Value <> "" Then Range(Starting_Cell).Cells(Count3, Count2) = Selection.Cells(j, Data_Selected).Value Count3 = Count3 + 1 End If ElseIf UserForm1.ListBox3.Selected(1) = True Then If Cell.Value = UserForm1.TextBox1.Text Then ...