C4*D11, IF(110%<=C4<120%, C4*E11, IF(C4>120%, C4*F11)))公式有点长,可以排版一下,更方便查看:=IF(C4<80%,,IF(80%<=C4<100%,C4*C11,IF(100%<=C4<110%,C4*D11,IF(110%<=C4<120%,C4*E11,IF(C4>=120%,C4*F11)))ps:Excel 公式的排版网站在这儿→https://www.formula...
Excel 公式的运算顺序是从左至右的,先算80%<=C4,得到的结果(TRUE或FALSE)再和100%进行比较,最终...
Part 1. What is Excel IF Function and And Formula? IF Function The IF function in Excel is widely used for making logical comparisons between a value and an expected result. It offers two possible outcomes based on the comparison: one when the condition is True, and another when it's Fal...
What Is The “If Cell Contains ”Formula In Excel? The "If Cell Contains" formula in Excel is a logical function used to check whether a specific cell contains a value of interest. This value could be any text or number, specific text, or simply checking if the cell is not empty. The...
DefaultResult- 可选。 没有条件求值为true时返回的值。 如果未指定此参数,则将返回空白。 Switch(公式,匹配 1,结果 1[,匹配 2,结果 2,...[,DefaultResult] ]) 公式- 必需。 为进行匹配而求值的公式。 此公式仅求值一次。 匹配项- 必需。 要与Formula结果比较的值。 如果找到完全匹配项,将返回相应的Resu...
Excel if/then formulas I have a situation i cannot find a formula or help for. Here goes: If cell N2=S, then run P2-H2, and if that value is >14, Return "N" If cell N2=E, the. Run P2-H2, and if that value is >3,......
There was no argument for eithervalue_if_trueorvalue_if_Falsearguments. To see the right value returned, add argument text to the two arguments, or add TRUE or FALSE to the argument. #NAME? in cell This usually means that the formula is misspelled. ...
In most cases, you can use the VLOOKUP function instead of building a complex formula with the IF function. UsingVLOOKUP, you first need to create a reference table: =VLOOKUP(C2,C5:D17,2,TRUE) This formula says to look for the value in C2 in the range C5:C17. If the ...
I'd enter the thresholds 0, 33,49.5 etc. in a row above the cells where you want the results. In the screenshot below, they are in J6:N6. I also added a value larger than the deepest dive in O6. The formula in J7 is
c = 100, d = 100; System.out.println(c == d);//2 你会得到以下运行结果: false true ...