Example: Python if…elif…else Statement number =-5ifnumber >0:print('Positive number')elifnumber <0:print('Negative number')else:print('Zero')print('This statement is always executed') Run Code Output Negative number This statement is always executed Here, the first condition,number > 0, ...
1、基础语法 在Python中,if语句的基本语法是:if condition:statement(s)如果条件condition为真,则执行if语句后面缩进的语句块。例如:if x <0:pass 如果x小于0,则执行空语句pass。2、多重条件 if语句可以与elif和else语句一起使用,实现多重条件判断。例如:if x<0:print('x是负数')elif x==0:print('...
Python if statement is one of the most commonly used conditional statements in programming languages. It decides whether certain statements need to be executed or not. It checks for a given condition, if the condition is true, then the set of code present inside the ” if ” block will be ...
ifexpr==True:stmt1 stmt2 stmt3else:stmt4 stmt5 stmt6 Stmt7 Python if-else Statement Example Let us understand the use ofif-elsestatements with the following example. Here, variableagecan take different values. If the expressionage > 18is true, theneligible to votemessage will be displayed...
Today, the editor brings the Getting Started with Python,welcome to visit!一、if语句 if语句表如果,如果满足某某条件,则执行后面得代码。格式为“ if 条件: ”。需要注意的是,满足条件后执行的代码是if语句下面缩进的代码,没有缩进的代码不在if语句的体系内,无论满不满足都会执行。if statement table ...
Python Copy a = 97 b = 55 # test expression if a < b: # statement to be run print(b) In this example, a < b is the test expression. The program evaluates the test expression and then runs the code within the if statement only if the test expression is True. If you evaluate ...
if函数3个条件3个计算公式 if 函数 3 个条件 3 个计算公式 条件语句 if 语句介绍 If 语句是一种分支条件语句,它可以根据不同的条件,依次执行 不同的代码。下面就来介绍它的语法。 if 语句的结构一般分为以下三个部分: 1. 条件:即判断条件,如果条件为真,则执行 then 后面的语句; 2. then:表示如果条件为...
Python 编程中 if 语句用于控制程序的执行,基本形式为: if 判断条件: 执行语句…… else: ...
python跳出if判断python如何跳出if 一、条件控制Python条件语句是通过一条或多条语句的执行结果(true或者false)来决定执行的代码块。1、if语句Python中if语句格式为:if condition1: #为true时将执行statement的语句,如果condition1为false则将判断condition2 statement1 elif condition2: #如果condition2为true ...