Greater than or equal to (>=) Then_value (value_if_true): In this parameter, enter what should happen if the condition is true. Values, character strings, cell references and other functions can all serve as outcomes and should be entered in quotation marks. Else_value (value_if_false)...
要以更方便的方式计算值小于、大于、等于或不等于特定值的单元格,您可以应用选择特定的单元格特征ofKutools for Excel. Kutools for Excel提供 300 多种高级功能来简化复杂任务,提高创造力和效率。增强人工智能功能,Kutools 可以精确地自动执行任务,使数据管理变得毫不费力。Kutools for Exce...
Excel Your community for how-to discussions and sharing best practices on Microsoft Excel. If you’re looking for technical support, please visit Microsoft Answers. Forum Discussion
IF Function with Multiple Conditions in Excel Write Greater Than or Equal To in Excel IF Function If a Value Lies Between Two Numbers Then Return Result in Excel How to Make Yes 1 and No 0 in Excel How to Check If Value Exists in Range in Excel IF Function Is Not Working in Excel ...
2.1 Excel SUMIF Function to Get Sum based Greater Than and Less Than From Different Values We select product units that are greater than 5 and less than 15. Those conditions are set on cell D18 and cell D17. Insert the SUMIF formula for both conditions on cell D19. =SUMIF(C5:C15,...
Here, I told Excel to return the response “yes” if the data value in cell C1 is greater than 5000 and “no” if the value is less than 5000. Here’s the response Excel returned: As mentioned earlier, the IF-THEN statement is a powerful Excel function with numerous benefits. Learning...
I need LESS THAN 180, Then = or greater than 180 to less than 240 then = or greater than 240 to Less than 300 then = or greater than 300 to less than 350 then = or greater than 350 that way when the numbers hit in between any of these, i can get the correct calculation. Tha...
Here, we use two separate COUNTIF functions - the first one finds out how many values are greater than 5 and the other one gets a count of values greater than or equal to 15. Then, you subtract the latter from the former and get the desired result. ...
Take the above screenshot data as an example, I want to sum all the amount values that are greater than 300, please apply any one of the below formulas you like, and then pressEnterkey to get the result: =SUMIF($B$2:$B$12,">300")(Type the criteria manually) ...
IF cell B2 ≠ Y, then place $0.00 in cell D2. As you can see in this example, the IF logical condition is TRUE or FALSE. And it pays to take out the garbage. IF Function: Comparison Operators & Syntax To help evaluate conditions, Excel uses a list of familiar operators. You probab...