In addition to checking numerical values, you can also use if-then statements in Excel to evaluate text. In the following example, we’ll use the IF function to see which books in the list were written by Stephen King:=IF(F2 = "Stephen King"; "Yes"; "No") Copy...
IF(D5=”L”, “Found”)will check whether the cell value ofD5is equal toLor not. If the value is equal toLthen it will returnFoundotherwiseFALSE. Output: FALSE. IF(C5=”sea green”, FALSE)will check whether the cell value ofC5is equal tosea greenor not. If the value is equal to...
As a financial analyst, using IF-THEN statements would make budgeting easier. IF-THEN functions will allow you to create up to 64 conditions, which can assist you in your budgeting process. To Organize Data The primary ability of IF-THEN statements is setting instructions under certain conditions...
This is enough for you to use the Excel formula for if-then statements, which can be demonstrated using the "Over budget/within budget" example from earlier. Imagine you have the amount spent by various departments in column B and the amount budgeted in column C, with the values starting o...
1/9 Completed! Learn more about if then statements > Go to Next Chapter: LoopChapter If Then Statement Learn more, it's easy Logical Operators Select Case Tax Rates Mod Operator Prime Number Checker Find Second Highest Value Sum by Color Delete Blank Cells Download Excel File if-then-...
This tutorial demonstrates how to use the IF Function in Excel and Google Sheets to create If Then Statements. IF Function Overview The IF Function Checks whether a condition is met. If TRUE do one thing, if FALSE do another. How to Use the IF Function Here’s a very basic example so ...
based on logical, true/false tests. As an example If Then statement in Excel, you might instruct Excel to check that a number is positive before adding it to a total. A single comparison is already remarkably useful, but Excel supports up to 64 nested If statements to address highly comple...
Using If Then Else with Loops in VBA So far, we have been going through some examples that are good to understand how the ‘IF-THEN’ statements work in VBA, however, are not useful in the practical world. If I need to grade students, I can easily do that usingExcel functions. ...
The If Then Else statement in Excel VBA is a commonly used conditional construct that is used to test a value and perform a statement or block of statements dependent upon the result of the test. It is important to understand the syntax of the statement and how to use it to perform simpl...
1. If语句的基本语法包括:If condition Then [statements] [Else elsestatements],或者使用块格式。条件(condition)可以是数值或对象类型的表达式,如果满足条件,执行紧跟的语句。2. 语法中可以嵌套ElseIf和Else,以便处理多种情况。每个条件检查后,如果之前的条件都不满足,将执行Else后的语句。3. ...