1. myname='Sophia' 2. if myname=='Jane': 3. print "The is the first sister" 4. elif myname=='Ella': 5. print'This is the second sister' 6. else: 7. print 'This is Sophia' 8. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. python的代码块分隔符: 1. x=1 2. if x: 3. 2 4. if...
If multiple elif conditions become True, then the first elif block will be executed. The following example demonstrates if, elif, and else conditions. Example: if-elif-else Conditions Copy price = 50 if price > 100: print("price is greater than 100") elif price == 100: print("price...
Understand Python if-else statements easily with this comprehensive guide. Discover how to use conditional logic to control the flow of your programs.
最后,让我们通过类图来展示一个简单的包含if-else语句的Python类的结构。 IfElseExample- x: int+__init__(x: int)+check_value() : str 在上面的类图中,IfElseExample类包含一个整型属性x和一个方法check_value()来判断x的大小并返回对应的字符串结果。 通过本文的介绍,相信您对Python中的if-else语句及括...
else: # what we want to execute here. If the condition is true, then it will execute the block of if statements otherwise else statement.Example of Python if else statement# input age age=int(input('what is your age: ')) # checking the condition if age>=18: print('You are...
Example: x = 5 if x > 3: print("x is greater than 3") if .. else statement In Python, the if..else statement has two blocks: one for when the condition is True and another for when the condition is False. Syntax: if expression : ...
In order to avoid this, Python provides one conditional statement called if-else. #2) if-else statements The statement itself says if a given condition is true then execute the statements present inside the “if block” and if the condition is false then execute the “else” block. ...
Python if 语句 Python3 实例 以下实例通过使用 if...elif...else 语句判断数字是正数、负数或零: 实例(Python 3.0+) [mycode3 type='python']# Filename : test.py # author by : www.runoob.com # 用户输入数字 num = float(input('输入一个数字: ')) if num >
If test_expression1 evaluates to False, then test_expression2 is evaluated. If test_expression2 is True, code block 2 is executed. If test_expression2 is False, code block 3 is executed. Example: R if...else if...else Statement x <- 0 # check if x is positive or negative or ze...
In this structure, the condition between IF and THEN, which is the first condition, is always evaluated. Each other condition between ELSEIF and THEN is evaluated only if the preceding condition is FALSE. For example, the condition_2 is evaluated only if the condition_1 is false, the condit...