Text: the cell or text string you want to check if contains a specific text (the argument substring). Return value: This formula returns a logical value. If the cell contains the substring, the formula returns TRUE, or it returns FALSE. ...
Specifies the worksheet name and range, and then sets the specific value. For Each iCell In myRange If iCell.Value = myValue Then iCell.clearContents Next iCell Takes aFor Eachloop and sets a criterion for theIfstatement. If theicell.valueis equal to the value specified above, then it...
Check If A Cell Contains A Specific Text Here the tutorial provides some formulas to check if a cell contains a specific text and return TRUE and FALSE as below screenshot shown, and explains the arguments and how the formulas works.
Method 1 – Using the IF Function to Check If a Cell Contains an Exact Text in Excel TheGradecolumn hasPassedorFailedin every cell. We will check whether a cell containsPassedand add a remark in a seocndRemarkscolumn. Use the following formula in E5 to check whether the cell D5 contains...
IF(ISNUMBER(cell),value_to_return, "") The following formula returns "yes" in column B if a corresponding cell in column A contains any number: =IF(ISNUMBER(A2), "Yes", "") If cell contains specific text Finding cells containing certain text (or numbers or dates) is easy. You write...
Example 3: If Cell Contains Specific Text, Then Return a Value This formula returns "Yes" if the A2 cell contains the specific text "example." Formula =IF(A2="example", "Yes," "") Result Since the A2 cell consists of the text "example," the formula will return "Yes" to the output...
I'm trying to extract a bunch of specific text combinations from cells and present them in a new cell for a database I'm working on for a dental marketing agency. This formula comes close to working... IFISNUMBER(SEARCH("Not Scheduled",Y2,1)),"Not Scheduled",IF(ISN...
I'm trying to extract a bunch of specific text combinations from cells and present it in a new cell.This formula seems to work for two variables but I...
You can select the cell where you want the data validation to be put on and then use the above generic Excel formula. Enough of the theory. Let's have an Excel example to get it clear. Example: Allow input in B column if A column contains specific text ...
Count if cell contains specific text To count cells that contain specific text, use a simple COUNTIF formula like shown below, whererangeis the cells to check andtextis the text string to search for or a reference to the cell containing the text string. ...